How to extract the text using Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

4 min readDec 1, 2022


Optical character recognition (OCR) is a process that uses AI and machine learning to extract data from images or scanned documents. It can be used for various purposes, such as indexing and archiving documents or performing data entry.

The first step in OCR is to scan the document or image and create a digital copy. This copy is then divided into small blocks analyzed by the machine learning algorithm. The algorithm uses a database of known letters and characters to identify the shapes of each letter in the image block. Once all the letters in the block have been placed, they are converted into text humans can read.

Can Handwritten Text Be Extracted With Machine Learning?

Yes! In fact, machine learning can be used for handwritten text recognition, also known as optical character recognition (OCR). OCR is a process of converting images of text into machine-readable text.

Machine learning algorithms can learn the rules for OCR by analyzing a large dataset of images and their corresponding text. Once the algorithms have been trained, they can automatically extract text from new images.

Traditional OCR tools have some difficulties because there are many different ways that handwriting can vary, such as the size, style, and slant of the letters. However, recent deep learning-based data extraction platforms such as AlgoDocs are designed to deal with complex data like handwriting and tables, making AlgoDocs well-suited for such tasks.

What Is Deep Learning?

In simple terms, deep learning can be thought of as a way to automatically extract features from data. Its algorithms are similar to the neural networks that make up the brain. They are made up of layers of interconnected nodes, or neurons, that can learn to recognize input data patterns.

The advantage of deep learning is that it can automatically learn complex patterns in data without the need for feature engineering. This makes it well-suited for tasks such as text extraction.

How Can I Get Started With Data Extraction?

There’s no need to wait for data entry services to start with data extraction. Instead, you can use state-of-the-art AI data extraction tools such as AlgoDocs, which can efficiently extract data from scanned files such as PDFs and images. In other words, with the recent AI and deep learning achievements, tools such as AlgoDocs can extract data such as printed and handwritten text and tables from any scanned files, saving you from the hassle of manual data extraction.

What is AlgoDocs?

AlgoDocs is a web-based tool that can extract text/tables from any printed or handwritten files. In addition, thanks to the developed deep learning ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) functions that can efficiently extract text even from Low-Quality files(Example is shown in Figures 1 and 2). Finally, we can export the extracted data into multiple formats such as Excel, XML, and JSON or even export to other software, like accounting.

Low-quality scanned image uploaded to AlgoDocs

Figure1. Low-quality scanned image uploaded to AlgoDocs.

Extracted table using AlgoDocs

Figure2. The extracted table using AlgoDocs.

Figures 3 and 4 show another example of AlgoDocs achieving 100% accurate output when processing handwritten.

Scanned handwritten text uploaded to AlgoDocs

Figure3. Sample of a scanned handwritten text uploaded to AlgoDocs.

Extracted table using AlgoDocs

Figure4. The extracted table, using AlgoDocs, from the scanned image shown in Figure 3.

How to Extract text/tables using AlgoDocs

Luckily, this is a relative piece of cake-process. Only apply the following easy steps:

  1. Log in/create an AlgoDocs account.
  2. Select one of the available extractors from the extractors page or create a new one(Here, you need to upload a sample document).
  3. In extracting rules editor: Select the data type you want to extract. Next is to click on the ‘Extract’ button. You may also apply the available filters if needed, or you are willing to format the extracted data.
  4. Export extracted information to one of the available formats like Excel, JSON, or XML(you may select to export to all available formats as well). In addition, you may export data to other applications, such as accounting ones.

That is it; now you can upload as many documents as you want and enjoy your time while AlgoDocs finalize the work.

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AlgoDocs extracts text from PDFs & images. AlgoDocs is a powerful web-based AI Platform for Data Extraction developed using the latest technologies.