What care homes/providers are doing interesting work for a sustainable future?

Alice Osborne
2 min readOct 14, 2019


This has been something on my mind for some time now — although we have been living through a time where Greta Thunberg who sailed to the UN Climate Conference with her passionate call to arms — which has been the catalyst for countries around the world joining her fight, skipping school and work in order to rebel and strike.

What an inspiration — not to mention Extinction Rebellion. Their latest book is a passionate self organising call to arms - ‘This is not a drill’ currently the next thing on my reading list. These hard but necessary reads are and critical for everyone and we must find ways to live and act on it.

Where is the care sector in all of this? Having worked around the care home sector for the past 5 years — I have rarely heard about any projects that are challenging the role of the care industry in our impact on the planets disappearing resources.

Surely this must be the next topic for us as a caring sector to be driving innovation from a climate perspective. It is one thing to create care homes that are delivering the best holistic care to those that live in them— who is questioning their role on the future of the planet?

The Sustainable Development Unit is harnessing and empowering rebel action in health care and the NHS — and this is giving me hope but has anyone seen examples in care homes/settings? Who are the people/places/that need to be driving this next change? Or perhaps these will be the rebels that will be challenging the type of places that people do go to age completely?

I’m looking to speak with the care sector that is even having space in their organisations to consider their impacts on the planet. I‘d love to learn about any successful examples of care settings that are struggling to have these now critical conversations. I’ve seen an interesting from Hallmark Care Homes here and it seems like they are doing some interesting work around this to lead the sector, but how about some of the less well funded providers?



Alice Osborne

Designer & innovator. Passionate about ageing, care homes, sustainability & the power of people & generations.