Draw and Explain The Block Diagram of Computer System

Alina Gentry
2 min readNov 29, 2022

What is a Digital computer?

The most popular kind of computer is the digital one. a computer that uses numbers — typically in the binary number system — to execute calculations and logical operations. It is employed to process information that is represented by discrete, localized physical signals, such as the presence or absence of electric current.

Explain The Block Diagram of Computer System

An internal structure of a computer is shown in a block diagram, and a block diagram also gives a brief summary of the internal workflow of the computer system from input to output retrieval. Computers are electronic devices, and they have the speed to conduct logical and mathematical calculations. Computer systems perform these mathematical operations on a limited number of data or pieces of information, and these data are either provided by users with the use of input devices or are generated for internal use by the computer system. A computer has the capacity to process all data that is composed of various functional components that each carry out a few specific functions.

  • Input Unit
  • Central Processing Unit
  • Memory Unit
  • Output Unit

Input unit — An output device reproduces or displays the information that a computer system processes after it receives it from an input device. The computer sends data to a printer in the lower portion of the image, which is also output. The printer then prints the data on a piece of paper, which is also output.

Central Processing Unit — The component that handles the majority of the processing inside a computer is the central processing unit (CPU), sometimes known as the processor. It serves as a potent calculator and processes all commands sent to other hardware and software running on the computer.

Memory Unit — A computer system’s memory is a crucial part. The main storage of the computer is the memory unit. When entered, it retains both information and instructions. In this device, the information and instructions can also be permanently stored so that they are always accessible. Data is sent from the memory unit to other computer components as needed since it is connected to them.

Output Unit — Any peripheral that receives data from a computer and uses it for display, projection, or physical reproduction is known as an output device. An inkjet printer, for instance, is an output device that prints out whatever is displayed on a monitor. Printers and monitors are two of the most often utilized output devices for computers.

Learn more — Block Diagram of Computer System

