News Diary7

Alina Zhang
1 min readDec 1, 2015


1 Dec 2015

The journalist put the photograph in the beginning of the news.I think the girl and the horse in the photograph are the roles of the news.And so it was.Israeli schoolgirl Shachar Rabinovitch,13, was snubbed by Dr Marsha Levine, a retired Cambridge academic who supports the BDS movement.

The journalist used many dialogues from different people to express feelings.And the journalist did a short video about the Israelis.The video gives evidence.And the journalist list points through quotes by two people.It can improve the power of the news.

“You have to ask yourself: what is there to gain from not talking to a 13-year-old girl? How does that solve anything?”

Shamir Rabinovitch, father of schoolgirl

“Academic should want to help people and ask their questions, it goes totally against everything that academics stand for”

Ronnie Fraser, director of Academic Friends of Israel



Alina Zhang

Learning international multimedia journalism at BFSU&Bolton