Hacks for a Faster and Smoother Move

Alisha Peters
5 min readJan 24, 2019


Domestic relocations are arguably among the most stressful and strenuous experiences that a person goes through life. The one thing that you can do in order to make sure that you are spared from the majority of the associated stress and strain typically associated with a house move is to follow the simple rules that have been established by the industry experts through much trial and error and have been proven to deliver results that make all of our lives easier.

Tips for planning your domestic relocation properly

Indeed, the only fool-proof way to have your upcoming relocation carried out is to hire professional help that is worthy of the name. This means that you should be able to rely on your moving team one hundred per cent not only during the physical transportation of your goods but also during every other stage of the project. Please note that there is usually very high demand for relocation services at all times of the year, so if you want to hire a team of skilled helpers in London you will have to start looking as early as possible. Specialists recommend that you make a reservation at least several weeks (preferably two months) prior to your moving date so that you have a peace of mind and to ensure the successful outcome of your relocation.

Table 1: Signs you are on the fast track to finding a good moving company

The planning stage of your domestic move will also include making an exhaustive list of all the tasks that need to be taken care of prior to the day of the actual relocation. Here is an example:

· Booking a removal/man and van firm

· Tackling documentation for your current and new lease

· End of tenancy cleaning

· A house clearance and listing of items and furniture you will be packing

· Finding new schools/doctors/transport links from your next location

· Informing friends and family about your upcoming relocation

· Packing

These are only a few examples. You should consider your list of to-do tasks in accordance with the specific requirements of your project. Adding a schedule down right to days and times at which you will be handling a specific item on the agenda will also come in handy if you would like to avoid procrastination and stress. Keeping track of your progress is vital because you are going to get the feeling that you accomplish something and at the same time you will be spared from the nagging sensation that you are forgetting important tasks.

Why is a house clearance a must?

People tend to hoard quite a few unnecessary possessions when they live in one place for a prolonged period of time or even as little as a year. Those might include old furniture and clothes, mementos from travels, paper clutter, outdated appliances and other pieces of technology and even books. You do not need to take everything you own with you to your new address, especially when it comes to objects that you know for a fact that you are not going to use or need any longer. That is why it is of utmost importance to clear them out of your property before the people from the man and van company come to help you with the packing. Sell some things online, donate or give others to friends, or simply recycle. By reducing the number of goods to be packed and transported, you will be eliminating a lot of the hassle and strain, not to mention that due to the decreased volume of boxes you will also be paying less to the moving company. So it is generally a win-win situation.

Get friends and family involved

Do not be afraid be ask for help. Everyone knows that moving can be stressful and the people closest to you will be more than willing to alleviate some of your troubles by signing up to assist you in some way or another. Sometimes even talking and taking out your frustration through communication can be useful.

If you give your kids small tasks to handle on their own — like packing their toys or choosing the colours for their new rooms — they will feel involved in this big transition process for the family and would be able to get more excited about it. Do not forget that you are not the only one in the household who is stressed about the removal. It may have a much more lasting and traumatic effect on the little ones, which is why you need to pay extra attention to them in this time of need.

Finally, some tips for battling post-removal depression

Post-removal depression is a real thing. Nearly one-third of all people who have moved homes in the UK in 2016 admit suffering from it to some degree. There are simple ways in which you can prevent becoming a statistic. For example, throwing a house-warming party. It does not need to be a big bash (but it can if you are into such things). What is important here is to gather people that you love and let the positive vibes soak in the walls of your new home.

Exploring the area you have moved to can also be helpful. Go to the nearby park, practice some sports or your hobby. Even consider taking a small vacation with a loved one if you can spare the budget. All these things can be particularly useful for making certain you will not have a problem dealing with the excessive stress with which you have had to deal lately and prevent you from falling into the pitfalls of the rather unpleasant experience that goes by the name of “post-removal” depression.

