Swap Goerli into WETH through Uniswap

2 min readOct 18, 2022


Moving Forward from previous article “Learn MetaMask installation, Goerli Faucet”, go to Uniswap
also you can watch this video tutorial

Press on the “Connect” button to connect your wallet with uniswap. Your selected account on metamask will be shown as connected here.
While connecting your wallet with uniswap, the popup window of metamask opens and asks your consent to connect to your selected account. Press “Next” and then click on “Connect”, in the popup window. Now you are connected with uniswap, your account address showing at top right side.
To swap your asset of Goerli into any other asset, Click on “Select Token”.

Select e.g. WETH as shown in snap.

Because we’ve just 0.1 Goerli eth in account. So, I’m going to swap this all by clicking on “Max”

And click on “Wrap” to wrap your eth into weth.

Popup window of metamask opens to ask you about your consent to confirm this transaction. Click on “Confirm”.

You’ve swapped eth into weth successfully🎉 and weth showing in account.





Blockchain smart contract Developer using solidity for Smart contract, Hardhat and Web3-react. with Higly skilled team of WEB3 and smart contract Developers.