Maximizing Conversions: Ad Extensions 101

Alivia Jaden
4 min readAug 3, 2023


On crowded digital ad platforms, getting noticed is only half the battle — you also need to convince prospects to take action. This is where ad extensions come in.

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information displayed with your text ads that help build trust and inform prospects. Implemented strategically, they can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to maximize the impact of ad extensions for top platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Microsoft Advertising. Let’s dive in and unlock their conversion potential.

Why Use Ad Extensions?

Extensions enhance standard text ads in several key ways:

Increase Ad Real Estate — Enable displaying more content like phone numbers, addresses, links and sitelinks.

Improve CTR — The additional information helps catch the user’s eye while scanning results.

Boost Quality Score — Extensions demonstrate relevance to the user’s query or interests.

Build Trust— Features like reviews, callouts and seller info reassure users about your business.

Prompt Action— Calls-to-action can guide users more seamlessly into conversion funnels.

Tastefully implemented extensions improve ad prominence, establish credibility, and prompt engagement — all leading to higher conversions.

Google Ads Extensions

Google Ads offers the most robust extension capabilities:

Location Extensions — Display your business locations, with options for calls and directions.

Call Extensions — Insert a clickable phone number to enable calls directly from the SERP.

Sitelink Extensions — Show links to important pages on your site like contact or product pages.

Structured Snippets — Pull key details like opening hours, price range or product specs into the ad.

Affiliate Location Extensions — Surface store locations of your retail/restaurant affiliates.

Review Extensions — Build trust and social proof by excerpting positive Google reviews.

App Extensions — Promote your mobile apps with install buttons and deep links.

Promotions— Spotlight sales, coupons and special offers.

Events— Advertise upcoming events.

Plus even more niche offerings like reservation, jobs and message extensions. Each adds valuable real estate while engaging users.

Facebook Ad Extensions

While less robust than Google, Facebook does offer useful extensions:

Lead Forms — Allow capturing prospect info like name, email and number directly from the ad unit.

Instant Forms — Surface a pre-populated form when a user engages with the ad.

Click-to-Call — Insert a call button to connect prospects directly by phone.

Location— Showcase your nearby physical business locations.

Offers — Highlight special sales and coupon codes.

Community— Promote engagement with your Facebook Page community.

Proper use boosts both brand awareness and direct response outcomes.

Microsoft Advertising Extensions

Formerly Bing Ads, Microsoft Advertising supports these core extensions:

Location Extensions — Multiple variations exist highlighting business locations.

Call Extensions — Place clickable tracking phone numbers within ads.

Review Extensions — Pull curated positive business reviews into your ads.

App Extensions — Promote installs of your related mobile apps.

Sitelink Extensions— Add links to important on-site pages.

Callout Extensions— Insert promotional callouts like offers and USPs.

Structured Snippet Extensions — Pull key product/service details into the ad unit.

Each builds relevance while occupying abundant space.

Best Practices for Ad Extensions

To maximize the performance boost from extensions, keep these guidelines in mind:

Test Extensively — Experiment to determine which extensions work best for each campaign.

Monitor Impact — Look for lift in CTR, conversion rate, and overall ROI when adding extensions.

Set Campaign Priorities— Make lower funnel campaigns the priority for trafficking limited extension inventory.

Rotate Options — Rotating sitelinks, callouts and other extensions keeps ads fresh.

Check Placement — Verify extensions display prominently on both desktop and mobile.

Check Errors— Fix validation errors and warnings which can prevent display.

Prune Low Performers — Remove any underperforming extensions pulling down results.

Stay Updated — Keep extensions current as inventory, prices and offers evolve.

Follow these guidelines and best practices to maximize the impact of your ad extensions.

Using Extensions Synergistically

The most effective approach is layering on multiple complementary extensions together for optimal impact.

Some powerful combinations include:

Location + call extensions — Make it easy for nearby prospects to visit or call your store.

Promotions + sitelinks — Spotlight deals while linking to product pages.

Reviews + structured snippets — Social proof alongside key product or service details.

Lead forms + click-to-call — Allow capturing info while enabling direct contact.

Get creative in blending different extensions to create engaging ad experiences.

Optimizing Extensions for Mobile

Given increased mobile usage, optimizing extensions specifically for small screens is crucial.

Best practices include:

- Lead with your strongest CTA extension like call or location.

- Link sitelinks to pages optimized for mobile.

- Limit extension quantity to avoid clutter on small screens.

- Make phone numbers, clicks and forms tap friendly for thumbs.

- Check each extension on actual mobile devices.

Crafting mobile-friendly extensions improves on-the-go engagement.

Tracking Extension Performance

When running multiple extensions, use clear tracking parameters to gauge which are most effective.

For example, use unique UTM codes for each:

Sitelink A —

Sitelink B —

This enables seeing the exact conversion value of each extension. Refine based on the data.

Proper performance tracking is key to optimizing extensions for maximum ROI.

Summing Up Key Takeaways

When strategically implemented, ad extensions offer more real estate to engage users while improving click-throughs and conversions. Their wise use is key to maximizing ad performance.

To recap, be sure to:

- Test extensively to validate impact

- Use extensions that build trust and prompt actions

- Follow platform best practices and guidelines

- Combine extensions synergistically

- Optimized specifically for mobile users

- Track performance to optimize for results

With these fundamentals covered, you are primed to boost conversions with ad extensions. Extend your reach, trust and performance today.



Alivia Jaden

Alivia Jaden is an accomplished digital marketer with over 10 years of experience driving growth for brands through innovative online strategies.