The Last Jedi: The Most Important Line No One is Talking About

And what it means for Episode IX

Aliya Smyth
6 min readDec 20, 2017
Image credit: Lucasfilm


Turn back now.

Also, note to hardcore fans: I am a fan. I have read some of the extended universe, but I’m going to rely on movie canon only. Please keep this in mind.

Ok, you’ve been warned.

This isn’t a review of The Last Jedi, though this movie resurrected the true Star Wars fan in me. I may be tempted to tackle some broader points in another post because of its subversive and perfect placement within the arc of the relaunched franchise. And for all its faults (because it has a few), it’s the most audacious Star Wars yet. My new hope (see what I did there?) is that it will live up to the subtext it’s establishing.

So, what’s this ‘line’ I baited you with? Bear with me just a touch longer while I set the context.

The original trilogy traded on the fight between good (light side) and evil (dark side). It was cool. It was hip. In 1977. Oh, ok, even into 1983.

Now, in 2017, we see so many people trying to do the right thing, yet come to cross purposes. Good vs. evil is not as simple as it once was. Regular, decent folks are bringing the hammer down hard on each other for not following the…



Aliya Smyth

Wonderer. Writer. Mostly human. Lives in imaginary worlds whenever possible. Enjoys guacamole. Author of Blood and Circuses and more at