Happiness: 我也從沒問過自己,幸福到底是什麼?

Allen Shaing
A. Life
Published in
21 min readMay 29, 2024
Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash


Happiness (nav.al)





  • 健康
  • 財富
  • 幸福
  • 慾望
  • 效率
  • 決策
  • 知識
  • 社交
  • 平靜
  • 真理


Live Long Enough and You’ll Become a Philosopher


This podcast is a practical philosophy of health, wealth and happiness


Naval: Let’s talk about why we’re doing this podcast. It’s really a discussion of highly practical philosophy.


Philosophy, as we normally think of it, is impractical. It’s abstract and obtuse — something written a long time ago in fancy language. We put it on a pedestal and it feels unapproachable. Sometimes it comes across like truisms.

正如我們通常認為的那樣,哲學是不切實際的。它抽象而遲鈍 — — 這是很久以前用花哨的語言寫成的東西。我們把它放在一個基座上,感覺難以接近。有時它看起來像是老生常談。

The big problems are the old ones


But if you live long enough, you will become a philosopher yourself. You’ll have spent a lifetime solving the big problems in your life. The big problems are the old ones, the ones we’ve been trying to solve since the beginning: How do I stay happy? How do I become healthy? How do I become wealthy? How do I raise the family I want?


What one monkey can do, another can do


This podcast is about practical philosophy that has worked for us. What one monkey can do, another can. We want people to think, “If this person learned something that made them happier, healthier or wealthier, then I can do it too.” That’s what we focus on: a practical philosophy of health, wealth and happiness.


Nivi: If you summed it up in one word, it would be health: financial health, mental health and physical health.


Naval: Health is a state of well-being. Let’s get to a state of financial health where we’re not fearful day to day. That’s where we started, and we spent a lot of time on that. Let’s get to a state of physical health where we’re not suffering from afflictions, disease and addiction. Let’s get to a state of mental health where we’re relatively at peace and quite content with ourselves.

Naval:健康是一種幸福的狀態。讓我們的財務狀況保持健康,每天都不會感到恐懼。這就是我們開始的地方,我們花了很多時間。 讓我們達到一種身體健康的狀態,這樣我們就不會遭受痛苦、疾病和成癮的困擾。讓我們達到一種心理健康的狀態,在這種狀態下,我們相對平靜並且對自己非常滿意。

Happiness Without Material Comfort Is Playing on Hard Mode


It’s easier to fulfill your material desires than to renounce them


Naval: You can achieve happiness without financial wealth. Most of us recognize you’re not going to buy your way to happiness. But in modern times, you can buy your way out of common causes of unhappiness. Financial wealth can give you freedom and more time. It can give you peace.

Naval: 無需經濟財富即可獲得幸福。我們大多數人都體認到,你無法透過花錢買到幸福。但在現代,您可以透過花錢來擺脫不快樂的常見原因。財務財富可以給你自由和更多的時間。它可以帶給你平安。

Renouncing things is not an easy path to happiness


In olden times, one of the routes to finding peace was becoming a monk. You would renounce things — sex, shelter, money and other material attachments — and go off in the woods. You might find some peace after 30 years, when you’d finally gotten over the fact that you weren’t going to have these things. The truth is, most of them probably never got over it. There are lots of monks out there but there aren’t a lot of enlightened people.

在古代,尋求平靜的途徑之一就是出家為僧。你會放棄一切 — — 性、住所、金錢和其他物質依戀 — — 然後去樹林裡。 30年後,當你終於克服了你不會擁有這些東西的事實時,你可能會找到一些平靜。事實是,他們中的大多數人可能從未克服過這個問題。那裡有很多和尚,但開悟的人卻很少。

It’s easier to fulfill your material needs than to renounce them


It was Osho who said, essentially: “Every time I meet a prostitute, she wants to talk about God. And every time I meet a priest, he wants to talk about sex.” Whatever you deny yourself will become your new prison.


Today it’s actually easier to fulfill your desire for material comfort than it is to renounce it. It’ll take you a lifetime to renounce material comfort, and it still might not work. But you can make some money and be materially successful in less than a lifetime.


You can achieve happiness without material comfort, and it probably would be a more lasting form of happiness. But that’s playing on hard mode.


When you’re sick, your desires run away


Physical health is the foundation of everything. If you don’t have your physical health, you have nothing. A Confucius saying I like: “A sick man only wants one thing, a healthy man wants 10,000 things.” When you’re sick, your desires run away. Without the ability to get up and function, you can’t turn into the desiring machine that you are.


Although physical health is the most important, I speak the least about it because it’s the area where I have the least specific knowledge. I am not self-actualized in that regard. I’m in OK shape and have an OK diet. I understand the theories of physical health, but I would feel fraudulent offering it to you unless I were a paragon of physical health myself.


I’ve gone from being unhappy to being very happy


In wealth, I’m much more self-actualized. And on the mental health side — finding happiness and peace — I’ve gone from being a mostly unhappy person to being very happy. That was deliberate. It was practiced and effort-based. It happened through realizations. Because I made progress, I can tell you what worked for me.

在財富方面,我比較自我實現。在心理健康方面 — — 尋找幸福與平靜 — — 我已經從一個幾乎不快樂的人變成了非常快樂的人。那是刻意的。這是經過實踐和努力的。這是透過認識發生的。因為我取得了進步,所以我可以告訴你什麼對我有用。

Happiness Is Not Science or Math


Happiness is more like poetry than algorithms


Naval: Happiness is an extremely loaded term. It means completely different things to different people. Everybody has strong preconceived notions of what happiness is and how they can attain it.


There are many types of happiness


I’m going to conflate happiness, pleasure, peace, joy, bliss, contentment, well-being and more. I don’t do it deliberately.


But at the same time, this is not math. We cannot clearly bound these words. They mean different things in different contexts to different people. So try and get into the spirit of what I’m saying, rather than getting hung up on specific words and details.


When some people talk about happiness, they’re really talking about pleasure or thrills. They might say, “I had a really good meal; therefore, I’m happy.” When other people are talking about happiness, they’re talking about a general state of contentment and well-being. Other people are referring to enlightenment, like a Buddha would have reached.


Many people take the point of view that there’s no such thing as happiness or that happiness is counterproductive — or that misery comes from pursuing happiness. There’s a lot of truth to these ideas; we’ll get into it.


Happiness is more like poetry than algorithms


I might say, “The way to be happy is X,” and people will respond, “Well, didn’t you just say happiness is a cause of misery?” This is not mathematics. You can’t link algorithms together.


This is more like poetry. If you read 50 poems by the same poet and try to map them out analytically and map words from one poem to another and see if it makes sense, you’ll miss the point. Don’t fixate on the words. Don’t even fixate on the sentences. Ponder the overall thought process and message.

這更像是詩。如果你閱讀同一位詩人的 50 首詩,並嘗試將它們分析性地繪製出來,並將一首詩中的單字映射到另一首詩中,看看它是否有意義,你就會錯過要點。不要執著於詞語。甚至不要專注於句子。思考整體的思考過程和訊息。

Happiness Is a Skill You Can Develop


You’re not stuck at your current level of happiness


Naval: The first step to increasing your level of happiness is realizing you can. This is where a lot of people get tripped up. For the vast majority of people, some of their happiness — probably a lot more than they think — is in their control.

Naval:提高幸福感的第一步就是意識到你可以。這是很多人被絆倒的地方。對絕大多數人來說,他們的一些幸福 — — 可能比他們想像的要多得多 — — 是在他們的掌控之中。

This step is not easy. You might be stuck on this for a long time. Many people believe that happiness cannot be developed or changed, so they devalue it. They say, “Well, I don’t want to be happy.


Genetics is important, but it’s only half the picture


Genetics is important. It goes a long way in determining strength, athletic performance and intelligence. But your genetic set point is only about half of it. And happiness, or general contentment, is much more malleable than the other things.


It would be very hard for me to change my athletic performance dramatically purely by working out. I’m much more limited in that arena because of my genetics. But things like my temperament, outlook on life, how peaceful I am, how angry I get — these are much more in my control.

對我來說,純粹透過運動來顯著改變我的運動表現是非常困難的。由於我的基因,我在這個領域受到的限制要大得多。但像我的脾氣、人生觀、我有多平靜、我有多生氣 — — 這些都更在我的掌控之中。

You’re not stuck at your level of happiness


So, happiness is a skill like nutrition and fitness. Happiness is a skill you identify and develop that slowly gives you results as you get better at it. It is not God-given. It’s not handed to you and now you’re stuck with it — though if you start with a high setting, by all means keep it.

所以,幸福是一種技能,就像營養和健身一樣。幸福是一種你發現並發展的技能,隨著你的進步,它會慢慢為你帶來成果。它不是上帝所賜予的。它不是交給你的,現在你必須堅持下去 — — 儘管如果你從高設定開始,無論如何都要保留它。

Desire Is a Contract You Make to Be Unhappy


Happiness is returning to a state where nothing is missing


Naval:Desire’s a contract you make to be unhappy until you get what you want. You become disturbed because you want something. Then you work really hard to get it and are miserable in the meantime. Finally, when you get it, you revert to the state you were in before you had it. It’s not like you achieve some peak level of bliss that you stay on forever.


No single thing will make you happy forever


People hold onto a delusion that there’s something out there that will make them happy and fulfilled forever. No single thing can do that.


Enlightenment is something different. It seems to be a permanent solution; but we’re not going to explore that just yet. We’re just talking about common sense happiness.


Happiness is a process of understanding and self-discovery


There’s no single permanent solution to happiness. Rather, achieving happiness requires a process of understanding and self-discovery. It is a process of training yourself to see certain truths.


If obtaining things made us permanently happy, then the cavemen would have been miserable, and we would all be deliriously happy. Yet, net happiness per person is not going up and might even be going down. Modernity probably brings more unhappiness than the past.


So happiness is returning to the state where nothing is missing in this moment.


If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy?


You can increase your happiness without losing your drive


Naval: “Happiness is for stupid people.” That’s a common complaint I hear from smart overachievers. They think only dumb or lazy people can be happy. Entrepreneurs will say, “I don’t want to be happy because I want to be successful.” They worry that if they get too happy they’ll lose their desire and won’t work hard anymore.


Can you increase happiness without losing your drive?


Like everything else, there is some truth to this. Generally, the more intelligent you are, the more you can see behind the façade of everyday life being easy or safe. You see all the risks and downsides — the calamities that await us. You see the cynicism and manipulation behind so many things portrayed as being good for you or society. You become cynical, and you signal your intelligence through cynicism. Very smart people often communicate in purely cynical observations.

和其他事情一樣,這也是有一定道理的。一般來說,你越聰明,你就越能看到日常生活輕鬆或安全的表象背後。你會看到所有的風險和不利因素 — — 等待我們的災難。你會看到許多被描繪成對你或社會有益的事物背後的憤世嫉俗和操縱。你變得憤世嫉俗,並透過憤世嫉俗來表明你的智慧。非常聰明的人經常以純粹憤世嫉俗的觀察進行交流。

It’s OK to not want to be happy. But we’re going to explore whether you can increase your happiness without significantly lowering your drive or intellect.


Let’s take the first objection: “I’m not happy because I’m smart.” This is partially true. You are unhappy partially because you know and understand too much. You’ve been exposed to too much. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy and retain your intelligence.


Figuring out the truth will lead to happiness


But don’t get it backwards: You’re not smart because you’re unhappy; you’re unhappy because you’re smart. You can be happy and smart — it’s just going to take more work. The good news is, smart people are good at figuring out the truth. The more you dig into certain deep truths, the freer and more peaceful you will become. That peace will lead to happiness.

但不要退步:你不快樂不聰明;因為你不快樂所以你不聰明;因為你不快樂所以你不聰明。你不快樂是因為你很聰明。你可以快樂又聰明 — — 只是需要付出更多的努力。好消息是,聰明人善於找出真相。你越深入挖掘某些深刻的真理,你就會變得越自由、越平靜。那種平安會帶來幸福。

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you happy? I absolutely believe that is true. The beauty of being mentally high functioning in our society is that you can trade it for almost anything. If you’re smart, you can figure out how to be healthy within your genetic constraints and how to be wealthy within your environmental constraints.


If you’re smart, you can figure out how to be happy within your biological constraints. But your biological constraints are a lot larger than you might think.


The dynamic range of happiness is quite large


If you’ve ever gotten drunk or achieved an altered state of mind on psychedelic drugs or through meditation, breathing or other hypnotic techniques, you have experienced brief moments of happiness beyond what you feel on a typical day.


Of course, some of this is a fake, pleasure-driven happiness. But there’s truth to it; otherwise, you wouldn’t desire that state


Achieving these brief states of happiness can show you how dynamic your range is — and that range can be quite large.

實現這些短暫的幸福狀態可以向你展示你的範圍有多麼動態 — — 而且這個範圍可能相當大。

How do you nudge yourself in that direction on a perpetual basis, as opposed to visiting it by stunning your mind into submission and silence?


Being Unhappy Is Extremely Inefficient


A peaceful mind makes better decisions


Naval: Besides “I’m too smart for it,” the other objection is, “I don’t want it to lower my productivity. I don’t want to have less desire or less work ethic.”


Fact check on that is: True. The happier and more peaceful you are, the less likely you are to run out and change the world. At the same time, being unhappy is very inefficient. A peaceful person doesn’t have extraneous thoughts going through their head. If you’re a driven, unhappy person, your mind will be on 24/7.


Unhappy people don’t have good judgment


What are the consequences of this? You won’t sleep well. You’re much more likely to react with anger and dig yourself into a hole you have to dig out of. Your decisions are emotional and impetuous. You’re more likely to get caught in the busy trap — busy all the time and running from one thing to another because you can’t mentally prioritize.

這會帶來什麼後果?你會睡不好的。你更有可能做出憤怒的反應,把自己挖進一個必須挖出來的洞裡。你的決定是情緒化且衝動的。你更有可能陷入忙碌的陷阱 — — 一直忙碌,從一件事跑到另一件事,因為你無法在頭腦中確定優先順序。

When you don’t have peace of mind, it’s difficult to make judgments because you have too many threads going through your head. You don’t have time to devote to making those judgments.


There’s a tradeoff. If you become the Buddha tomorrow, it’s unlikely you’ll also launch rockets to the moon like Elon Musk. On the other hand, there are plenty of successful, optimistic scientists, innovators and other leaders — especially as they get older. Happy people aren’t always ineffective.

這是一個權衡。如果你明天成為佛陀,你不太可能像馬斯克那樣向月球發射火箭。另一方面,有許多成功、樂觀的科學家、創新者和其他領導者 — — 尤其是當他們年老時。快樂的人並不總是效率低。

A peaceful mind makes better decisions


When I got happier in my own life, I became much more effective — even though I don’t work as hard as I used to. I’m able to form relationships with people who I would have kept at a distance earlier in my life, for whatever preconceived notions I held.

當我的生活變得更加快樂時,我的工作效率也變得更高 — — 儘管我不再像以前那樣努力工作。我能夠與那些我早年會保持距離的人建立關係,無論我持有什麼先入為主的觀念。

I make decisions much more clearly now, because I can see the long-term outcomes.I cut straight to the chase and don’t try and negotiate an extra 20% here or there — because I know that’s going to make me unhappy in the long-term, make the other person unhappy, and make the deal less stable.


I’ve become more productive even though I don’t work as hard, because I make better decisions.


Work the Least for It

關於這一節,延伸閱讀:17 questions.2 (tim.blog)



Happy people don’t have to work as hard


Naval: The quality of our decisions is paramount in the modern age, because we’re all leveraged. You can be leveraged through code, community, media, capital, labor and other ways. If you’re smart, you leverage every decision you make.


If Warren Buffett makes the right decision 85% of the time and his competitors get it right 70% of the time, Buffett will win everything. That’s a source of his strength: good decision making. He makes one or two decisions a year. Most of the time he’s sitting around reading books, thinking, reading S-1s, playing bridge, traveling and golfing.

如果華倫巴菲特在 85% 的情況下做出正確的決定,而他的競爭對手在 70% 的情況下做出正確的決定,那麼巴菲特將贏得一切。這是他力量的泉源:良好的決策。他每年都會做出一、兩個決定。大部分時間他都坐著看書、思考、閱讀S-1s、打橋牌、旅行和打高爾夫球。

So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, hard work is not the solution. Good decision making and high leverage is the solution.


A peaceful mind makes better decisions


Having a peaceful mind, being a happier person, relying less on momentary pleasure and being calmer will give you the frame of mind to make better decisions. Being happy will actually increase your effectiveness. As long as the increase in effectiveness is higher than the reduction in drive, you’re well off.


Ask yourself: Would you rather be the best in the world by working the hardest for it or by working the least for it, because you worked the most intelligently?


Imagine you are the universal god. You are omniscient and omnipotent. You could change anything in the universe just by pushing a butterfly in one direction, because you know exactly how the particles will collide from there on out.


Omniscience(GPT4o’s “o”) is omnipotence. Knowledge is power. We can achieve happiness purely through knowledge, and that happiness will improve our decision making. That happiness will give us more time to read; make us more knowledgeable about how we operate and other people operate; make us more effective; and improve our judgment. It should also increase our earnings and the returns we need to be financially free.

全知就是全能。 知識就是力量。我們可以純粹透過知識獲得幸福,而這種幸福會改善我們的決策。那種快樂會讓我們有更多的時間去閱讀;讓我們更了解自己和他人的運作方式;讓我們更有效率;並提高我們的判斷力。它還應該增加我們實現財務自由所需的收入和回報。

The Modern Struggle Is Fighting Weaponized Addiction


Pursuing pleasure for its own sake creates addiction


Naval: On some very deep level, all pleasure creates its own offsetting pain and fear of loss. I recently tweeted, “In an age of abundance, pursuing pleasure for its own sake creates addiction.” I was upgrading a Miyamoto Musashi line, “Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.”


Musashi was a Japanese swordsman. In his time, pursuing pleasure meant a very different thing than it does today. He didn’t have unlimited processed food, Internet pornography, marijuana and alcohol available on demand.


Now that we’re in an age of abundance, we can easily fall into addiction if we pursue pleasure for its own sake. And that’s hard to get out of.


The modern struggle is really about individuals — disconnected from their tribe, religion and cultural networks — who are trying to stand up to all these addictions that have been weaponized: alcohol, drugs, pornography, processed foods, news media, Internet, social media and video games.

現代的鬥爭實際上是關於個人 — — 與他們的部落、宗教和文化網絡脫節 — — 他們試圖抵抗所有這些已被武器化的成癮:酒精、毒品、色情、加工食品、新聞媒體、互聯網、社交媒體和視頻遊戲。

Addictions are fake work and fake play


Addictions let you engage in fake play and fake work. Before, you had to go socialize with friends; now, you can just get drunk with a bunch of strangers. Before, you had to go find a mate, create children and raise a family; now, you can just watch a lot of porn. Before, you had to hunt and climb trees to get fruit for a little bit of natural sweetness; now, you can buy all the gelato you want.


The modern struggle is standing up to these weaponized addictions. They give you small doses of pleasure, but they also desensitize you and expose you to the misery of their absence.


Breaking Addiction Is Socially Unacceptable


Addiction enables artificial relationships and activities


Naval: If you drink alcohol or take some kind of drug regularly, try the following thought experiment.


What events do you most look forward to? I’ll bet they’re the ones where you get to drink or do drugs. You look forward to dinnertime, an upcoming party or bar-hopping with friends.


To see how artificial it is, resolve to abstain from drinking or doing drugs the next time you go out. Now ask yourself how much you’re looking forward to that event. You’ll find: not at all.


This creates a conundrum. These sources of artificial pleasure eventually will desensitize me, bring misery when they’re gone and lead to addiction. But if I give them up, I’ll also be miserable because I’ll no longer socialize with my friends. I won’t go out, and I won’t have fun.


Breaking addiction requires a new lifestyle



Breaking addiction is very hard, because you have to break the physical addiction and you also have to change your lifestyle. You have to switch to a lifestyle in which you can be happy without that substance.


If I drink to be social and do that enough, I’ll find myself hanging out with people I wouldn’t spend time with otherwise. When I’m sober, I can’t tolerate these people, the topics we discuss or the venues we visit. I can only do it drunk.


Addiction holds together fake relationships and fake activities


These fake relationships and fake activities are held together by alcohol. If I stop drinking, I have to replace my friends and find new things to do. This is difficult and socially unacceptable.


I realized a while ago that it’s a problem to look forward to weekends and holidays. First, it takes the joy out of the everyday, because you’re living in the future and suffering the rest of time. Second, you have accepted a way of life in which most of your time is spent suffering.


Finding Peace from Mind


The mind should be a servant, not a master


Naval: Let’s talk about peace, and then we’ll talk about truth and how they relate to happiness.


When I say you want to be happy, what I’m actually saying is you want to find peace. We say peace of mind, but what we really want is peace from mind.


The mind goes quiet during the moments of greatest pleasure


During your moments of greatest pleasure — whether you’re doing a drug, having an orgasm, finding your edge kite-surfing, laughing with a friend or looking at an incredible sunset — your mind goes quiet. It calms down, and that voice in your head goes silent. You achieve a sense of awe, which you might also call beauty, bliss or joy.

在你最快樂的時刻 — — 無論是吸毒、享受性高潮、風箏衝浪、與朋友歡笑還是欣賞令人難以置信的日落 — — 你的思緒都會安靜下來。它平靜下來,你腦海中的聲音也消失了。你會產生一種敬畏感,你也可以稱之為美麗、幸福或喜悅。

We all seek this. We all chase it. Deep down, what we’re actually looking for is peace from mind.


Somewhere along the way, the mind became a master


I’m not making the mind out to be an enemy. It’s a very useful tool. But somewhere along the way, it became uncontrollable. The mind became the master rather than a servant.


Our mind evolved to be paranoid, fearful and angry. Humans are the most paranoid and angry creatures to ever walk the earth. We are apex predators who dominated the food chain by killing, subjugating or domesticating every other species on this planet. We did it through fear, violence and, of course, cooperation.


Nature is brutal. Turn on any nature documentary and you’ll see: A eats B; B eats C; C eats D; D eats E. Nature is red in tooth and claw. We are derived from violence and blood.

大自然是殘酷的。打開任何自然紀錄片,你會看到:A吃B; B吃C; C吃D; D 吃 E。我們源於暴力和血腥。

Our environment rewards pessimism and paranoia


Modern society’s a lot safer and more peaceful. It still makes sense to be careful, maintain some paranoia and occasionally to get angry — but not as much as we’re hardwired to do. It’s okay to dial it down.

現代社會更加安全和平。小心謹慎、保持一定的偏執、偶爾生氣仍然是有道理的 — — 但不要像我們生來就要做的那麼多。把它調低就可以了。

The threat level is not as high as our genes think. If you were walking through the woods 1,000 years ago and heard something rustling in the bushes, you’d be right to be paranoid. Let’s say nine out of 10 times it’s a rabbit in the bushes, and one out of 10 times it’s a tiger. The optimist would catch a rabbit nine out of 10 times and get eaten by a tiger the 10th. The pessimist survives every time.

威脅程度並不像我們的基因想像的那麼高。如果你 1000 年前你在樹林裡散步,聽到灌木叢裡有沙沙的聲音,你會感到偏執。假設十分之九是灌木叢中的兔子,十分之一是老虎。樂觀的人十次抓到兔子,第十次就會被老虎吃掉。悲觀主義者每次都能生存。

Our evolved nature rewards pessimism. But we live in much safer times, so we must find ways past that and work towards peace.


Happiness Is Peace in Motion


Peace is happiness at rest


Naval: In some ways, modern life is more hectic than prehistoric times. Our sources of stress are more chronic.


Let’s define stress. In physical terms, stress happens when something wants to be in two places at one time. If I apply pressure to both ends of an iron beam, I create stress on the beam because one part wants to be north and the other part wants to be south.


Stress is an inability to decide what’s important


In mental terms, stress is an inability to decide what’s important. You want two incompatible things at once. I want to relax, but I need to work. Now I’m under stress.


When you give up on something, it’s no longer stressful. When you accept that something’s out of your control, there’s no point in getting stressed about it.


The mind constantly creates stress, making you more paranoid or angry than situations warrant.


You want to find peace from mind. You aren’t turning off your brain. You can’t suppress the mind or force it to do anything. If I say, “Don’t think of a white elephant,” you’ll think of a white elephant. Rather, you want to develop tools so your mind can calm down on its own. Then, stress will go away naturally.

您想要心靈中找到平靜。你並沒有關閉你的大腦。你無法壓制心或強迫它做任何事。如果我說,“不要想一頭白象”,你就會想到一頭白象。 相反,您想要開發工具,以便您的思緒能夠自行平靜下來。那麼,壓力就會自然消失。

How do you do that? How do you end up with a more peaceful mind?


Peace is happiness at rest


Here’s a phrase I like: “Peace is happiness at rest; happiness is peace in motion.” Someone who’s peaceful at rest will end up happy when they do an activity. While a happy person sitting idle will be peaceful. The ultimate goal is not happiness, even though we use that term a lot. The goal is peace.


So the question becomes: How do you get to peace?


The first problem with attaining peace is that no activity will get you there. Fundamentally, peace is inactivity; it’s a sense that everything is fine.


If everything is fine, you’re not doing any physical or mental activity to change it. You’re also not wishing you were doing something to change it, because that creates stress.


You cannot work toward peace, only understanding


You cannot achieve peace directly or even work toward it. Rather, you can work toward understanding. There’s an old Sikh saying, “The name of God is truth.” When you understand certain things and they become a part of you, you naturally become a more peaceful person.


The Closer You Are to the Truth, the More Silent You Become Inside


Wise people are quiet


Naval: I put out this tweet a while back: “The closer you are to the truth, the more silent you become inside.”


We intuitively know this. When someone is blabbing too much or being the court jester, you know they’re not at peace. You know Robin Williams was not peaceful inside.


Wisdom begets stoicism


We expect a wise person like a Lao Tzu or Socrates to be quiet — not because they’re trying to look wise, but because they’re internally quiet. We understand that peace and wisdom go together.


Kapil Gupta, who’s written far more on this topic than I have, said, “Wisdom begets stoicism. Stoicism does not beget wisdom.” As you become wise, you naturally become stoic. You don’t become wise by being stoic. That’s reversing the cart and horse.

Kapil Gupta 在這個主題上寫的文章比我多得多,他說:「智慧產生堅忍。斯多葛主義不會產生智慧。當你變得明智時,你自然會變得堅忍。你不會因為堅忍而變得明智。這就是本末倒置。

As an aside, one of my tweets the other day got incredibly misinterpreted. So many people failed that IQ test. I wrote, “The smarter you get, the slower you read.” The speed reading crowd got triggered, and people said, “Well, Bill Gates reads 150 books per year.” Others said, “I read really slowly, so I must be smart.” They got it wrong. I said, “If A, then B.” That doesn’t mean, “If B, then A.”

順便說一句,前幾天我的一條推文被嚴重誤解了。很多人都沒有通過智商測驗。我寫道:“你越聰明,你閱讀的速度就越慢。”速讀人群被觸發了,人們說:“好吧,比爾蓋茲每年讀 150 本書。”還有人說:“我讀得很慢,所以我一定很聰明。”他們搞錯了。我說:“如果是A,那麼B。”這並不意味著“如果是 B,那麼 A”。

Groups Search for Consensus, Individuals Search for Truth


What society wants for you isn’t what’s good for you


Naval: What’s considered to be true is fought over. Individuals search for truth but groups search for consensus — and society is the largest group. So the biggest problem we run into is this: What society wants for you is not always what’s good for you.

Naval: 被認為是真實的東西是會被爭奪的。 個人尋求真理,群體尋求共識-而社會是最大的群體。所以我們遇到的最大問題是:社會對你的要求並不總是對你有好處。

Even smart people go along with society’s lies


Even smart, critical thinkers go along with many of society’s truths, knowing deep down they are lies.


Here’s a simple example: “Money won’t make you happy” is a social truth, but it’s not an individual truth. Look at all the individuals trying to make money. They know money can remove a lot of sources of unhappiness and get them to a point where happiness is under their control. It becomes their choice, as opposed to being inflicted upon them by external forces.


That is just one of many lies society tells you.


Another one of society’s lies is that you send your kids to school for education. In fact, they get an hour of education a day and indoctrination the rest of the time. They’re taught at the speed of the slowest student, and they’re mostly taught subjects that are irrelevant or obsolete.


沒錯!!!! 所以家長一定要多花時間

School is a combination of a bit of education, large doses of socialization and compliance training, and a massive dose of babysitting — which is helpful for parents who can’t take care of their kids at home. It also keeps young troublemakers off the street.

學校是一些教育、大量社交和合規培訓以及大量保姆的結合體 — — 這對於無法在家照顧孩子的父母來說很有幫助。它還可以讓年輕的麻煩製造者遠離街頭。

School does a lot of things, but education is just a tiny piece of it. Homeschooling stats clearly show this, and even unschooling stats are starting to show it.


Guilt is society training you to be your own warden


Society does not just lie to you. It programs you to beat yourself up when you transgress one of its truths. Guilt is society programming you so effectively that you become your own warden. Guilt is society’s voice speaking in your head.

社會不只是對你說謊。當你違背其中一項真理時,它會讓你毆打自己。內疚是社會如此有效地對你進行編程,以至於你成為自己的典獄長。 內疚是社會在你腦海中說話的聲音

Truth-seeking is a hard business. You essentially have to understand, with deep conviction, things that you’ve been programmed to misunderstand.


The Path to Peace Is Truth


When self-improvement fails, work on discovering the truth


Naval: The search for peace is really the search for truth. Try to see the advantage of understanding things by discovering the truth rather than by practice.


When you discover the truth, bad habits can disappear


Let’s say I’m trying to quit smoking. There are techniques I can try, but they’re always painful and difficult. Often, a moment will come when I see myself in a new way that allows the habit to disappear by itself. I get a diagnosis of lung cancer and understand I’m going to die, or I see a friend get in trouble with similar bad habits. When I see something clearly enough and understand it, the bad habit can dissolve by itself.


More broadly, I may see some facet of myself that I don’t like. Maybe I see it in a friend and then can’t unsee it to the point that we can no longer be friends.


Self-improvement is just a dressed up form of self-conflict


Seeing and understanding things leads to changes that practice and technique cannot achieve. When you’re following a technique, there’s always a gap between you and the thing you’re trying to achieve. There’s always repetition, struggle and conflict.


If we want peace, we have to give up on self-conflict. We even have to give up on self-improvement, because self-improvement is just a dressed up form of self-conflict. Instead, we need to use our natural curiosity to understand things better. Through understanding, we will naturally improve ourselves.


Once we truly understand the effects of unhealthy food on our bodies — when we see the extra weight we’re carrying, or we track the glucose spike and crash after eating too much sugar, or we see how caffeine hops us up and then crashes us — we automatically change for the better.

一旦我們真正了解不健康食物對我們身體的影響 — — 當我們看到我們所承受的額外體重,或者我們在吃太多醣後跟踪血糖峰值和崩潰,或者我們看到咖啡因如何讓我們興奮然後讓我們崩潰-我們會自動變得更好。


So, the path towards peace is truth.




Allen Shaing
A. Life
Editor for

🙌🏼 Hi, I’m a software engineer from 🇹🇼 and with over 8 years of experience, currently focusing on developing AI solutions. https://github.com/Shaing/cv