Acne Face Map: Know what does acne reveal about your health

Mia Ray
4 min readOct 31, 2017


“In Atlanta, I had acne so bad that I would cancel dates and plans and stay in the house. I would not go out,” John Mayer once shared. If you’ve ever had any trouble with acne or, continue to be acne challenged even in your adult years, you will have a great understanding of the difficulties that come with managing your skin condition well. It’s hard, but it can be done, right?

Your Acne And Your Health

What you probably don’t know is that your acne tells you not-so-pretty details about the state of your health and well-being. There are best acne treatments according to consumer reviews. There’s a reason why you’ve been getting an acne on your cheeks or chin or, any part of your face for that matter. Take your acne as a sign that you should take better care of you.

Here is what growing acne on different parts of your face means:

1. Forehead. You have a problem with digestion. You should take better care of your gut. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, less processed foods. Detox regularly by juicing citrus fruits and bitter herbs, and take these for at least 2 consecutive days exclusively — no meat, no solids. You can then have the time of your life watching your swollen pimples go away.

2. Lower forehead area. Your acne tells you that your liver is suffering from metabolizing excess fats and other toxins. Again, going on a detox diet in regular intervals will be helpful. You should also cut out fatty foods from your diet. Alcohol might also be an issue, and now will be the best time to regulate your intake.

3. Around your eyes. You’re often dehydrated. Do not allow your mouth and throat to run dry. Carry around your own bottle of water to stay hydrated whenever, wherever you are. Poor kidney health may be in question, and again, detoxifying to clear your kidneys will be helpful. Take diuretic fruits, topped by pineapples and pomelos to excrete unwanted fluids and solids from your kidneys.

4. Tip of nose. Your heart health may be in jeopardy. Start on a workout routine, just remember to consider your fitness level and gradually build up as you build your resistance. Getting as much physical activity as you can throughout the day like walking and taking the stairs will also keep your heart muscles pumping to prevent blockages in your heart and circulatory system. You should also get on a heart-friendly diet that includes fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, and snack on almonds, all of which consists of very high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Extreme outer sides of your face. Acne growing around the outlines of your face are stress-induced. Learn to manage stress better and do not let it manage you. Learn breathing exercises, prioritization, and how to shift your focus on the solution instead of the problem — all of these tips give you better chances of surviving everyday stress. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will give you a resilient mind not to keep reacting to stressors. Signing up the help of your friends and family will also make a difference on how you handle stress.

6. Apples of cheeks. When acne grows around those parts, your lungs may be compromised. Improve your breathing by taking walks and learning hot and cold water therapy. You should add these activities to your daily routine, both of which forces you to take deep breaths that open up your lungs to fill in with more oxygen. Hiking, because of the pressure that high altitudes put on your lungs, will also be helpful but, it is best to have your fitness level assessed first before you do.

7. Around your mouth. The problem, again, can be respiratory, and may have particularly something to do with smoking. If you smoke, acne around these parts, as well as your cheeks, will be a common sighting. Quit smoking and watch your complexion glow with health. Acne around the mouth can also indicate hormonal problems. You should have your endocrine system checked, take necessary meds, and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. For instance, people who have hormonal problems are told to avoid high-hormone foods like poultry, beef and pork, and any other products derived from such animals.

8. On your chin. Nutrient deficiency could be your issue. You’re not eating well. Make sure to get plenty of Vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals into your system by eating healthy foods. You should also regularly soak under the early morning sunshine.


It’s easy to just look at acne as a pesky skin problem that won’t leave you be. Don’t forget that your skin is part of a larger system — your body — and, that the underlying reasons for acne may rest in your overall state of health.

Authors’ bio :-

Mia Ray is a health & beauty expert and a content coordinator for The Beauty Insiders. She likes to get insights on various trends being followed in the fashion industry. She has been sharing her knowledge by being a contributor to various Beauty, Fashion, Skin care and Makeup sites.

