4 Ways Scientist Say They Hate Cleaning As Well

Or How Our Future Shall Be Cleaner Than Ever

Elise Alpha
3 min readMay 14, 2014

The future looks promising. Everyday new concepts are being developed and new patents are being put to use in our lives. Who would have thought 15 years ago that most of the population will have a pocket device that literally knows everything (too bad it is mainly used for selfies). The goal of technological advancement was always to make our lives better and easier. But there is one aspect of civilization that scientist haven’t dealt with yet. I’m talking about cleaning of course. Be it home cleaning, washing your car or laundering your clothes, little to no effort shall be required for those task in nearly 10 to 20 years. So soon? Yes, thanks to researches already being developed such as ..

Anti-fogging, Glare-free and Self-cleaning Glass

Developed by: MIT


Self-cleaning glasses are already in use in modern times, but are not so affordable. What makes this research so special is that it will have absolutely no glare. This means no sunlight reflection. The uses could be countless. A friend working as a window cleaner in Gospel Oak is really scared for his job. The trick of this technology lays in the surface of the glass. It consists of an array of nanoscale cones that are five times as tall as they are wide. MIT are able to produce such material via some terms I’m not familiar with like coating and etching techniques adapted from the semiconductor industry. The bottom line is in the near future this will be a relatively cheap process that will allow a lot of industrial branches to benefit of. It’s really interesting and you can read more in the source.

Self-cleaning Car Paint

Developed by: Nissan & UltraTech International


To be fair, car washing isn’t such an enormous issue in our lives. You just drive to the nearest car wash and they take care of it. But it does cost us money and time. So what Nissan are trying to do is admirable. The paint is called it Ultra-Ever Dry. Cool name, right? This paint is made ultra resistant and can repel any kind of liquid, as well as dirt, dust, mud and grit. Which probably doesn’t make it self-cleaning, but rather never getting dirty. Both ways sound perfect to me.

Self-cleaning Clothes

Developed by: U.S. Army Natick Soldier RD&E Center


Finally, my prayers have been answered! As an active procrastinator, the one thing I hate the most is doing the laundry. And maybe soon, I won’t have to. There are other researches, but I put my money on the military project due to the funding they can get. Apparently, the U.S. Army hates this chore as much as me, as they are actively researching how they can skip it. The idea is to change the cloth on molecular level, so it is protected by an “omniphobic coating”. The lab tests are going great as it successfully repels everyday clothing hazards such as ketchup, chocolate sauce and even motor oil. They are yet to be tested on the field by soldiers, but the main developer, Quoc Truong, is optimistic about the results. I cross my fingers as hard as I can this invention to be successful and to be shared with the normal folk as soon as it can.

Self-cleaning Dishes

Developed by: Tomorrow Machine


Another horror of our life being solved by science. This Swedish company is developing material that simply slides food of itself. It saves both water (no need to wash it) and marriages (no need to make your SO wash it). It uses the lotus effect. The coating is made from a wax dissolved at a high pressure and temperature that repels water, oil and dirt, says Hanna Billqvist, a designer with Tomorrow Machine. I’m not sure how comfortable would be playing with your food while eating in such plates, but the possibility of no more dish washing demands we give it a try.

