What is Layer 0 Blockchain?

4 min readAug 2, 2023


“Layer 0” refers to the underlying protocol or infrastructure layer upon which the blockchain network is built. It is the foundation that defines the fundamental rules and mechanisms that enable the blockchain to function efficiently and securely. Layer 0 essentially represents the basic architecture and communication protocols of the blockchain system.

To explain it using a metaphor of tunnels, highways, and roads:

Imagine a vast and intricate transportation network for moving goods and people between cities. In this metaphor, the entire transportation system is the blockchain network, and we’ll focus on the different layers that make it work.

Layer 0: The Infrastructure Layer (Tunnels)

In this metaphor, Layer 0 corresponds to the underlying infrastructure that the entire transportation system is built upon. We can think of this layer as a series of well-engineered tunnels that run underground, connecting various cities together. These tunnels are incredibly robust, secure, and able to handle a massive flow of traffic.

In the blockchain context, Layer 0 establishes the core protocol of the blockchain. It defines how data is structured, how consensus (agreement) among network participants is achieved, and how transactions are verified and recorded. Just like tunnels facilitate smooth and safe transportation, Layer 0 ensures the smooth functioning and security of the blockchain network.

Layer 1: The Main Highway (Blockchain Layer)

Moving up in our metaphor, we reach Layer 1, which represents the main highway of our transportation network. This highway runs through each tunnel and connects all the cities. It’s the primary route where most of the traffic flows. Similarly, Layer 1 in the blockchain context is the actual blockchain layer where transactions are processed, and blocks of data are added to the chain.

Layer 1 handles the essential functions of the blockchain, such as transaction validation, mining (the process of adding new blocks), and ensuring the immutability of the data. This layer relies on Layer 0’s infrastructure to function properly and securely.

Layer 2: The Roads (Scaling Solutions and Applications)

Above the main highway, we have various roads that branch out from the main route and lead to specific destinations within each city. These roads represent Layer 2 solutions in the blockchain context. Layer 2 solutions are designed to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the blockchain by handling specific use cases or subsets of transactions outside the main chain.

For instance, Layer 2 solutions could include payment channels, sidechains, or state channels, which allow for faster and cheaper transactions by taking some of the traffic off the main blockchain. These roads provide alternative routes for users to reach their destinations more quickly without congesting the main highway (Layer 1).


In summary, Layer 0 in blockchains is the underlying infrastructure that sets the groundwork for the entire network. Layer 1 is the main blockchain layer responsible for transaction processing and data storage, while Layer 2 solutions are additional mechanisms built on top of Layer 1 to improve scalability and efficiency. Together, these layers form a robust and efficient blockchain ecosystem, just like tunnels, highways, and roads make up a well-organized and effective transportation network.

Just as vehicles play a crucial role in the transportation network; cryptocurrencies, dApps, and digital assets are integrated into the ecosystem and serve vital purposes.


Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptographic techniques to secure financial transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify the transfer of assets. In our metaphor, cryptocurrencies can be compared to the vehicles that travel on the transportation network. They are the means of exchange within the blockchain ecosystem, just as vehicles are the means of transportation on the roads and highways.

Cryptocurrencies primarily exist and function within Layer 1 of the blockchain. Layer 1, the main highway, is where the actual blockchain is situated. Here, cryptocurrencies are used for various purposes, including transferring value, paying for transaction fees, and rewarding participants (such as miners or validators) who contribute to the network’s security and consensus.

dApps (Decentralized Applications):

dApps are applications that run on a decentralized network (like a blockchain) rather than a centralized server. They leverage the blockchain’s properties, such as immutability, transparency, and decentralized consensus, to provide users with enhanced security and control over their data and digital assets.

In our metaphor, dApps can be thought of as the different service stations or facilities that exist along the transportation network. These service stations cater to the specific needs of the users, offering various services and functionalities. Some dApps might focus on financial services, others on gaming, social networking, supply chain management, and so on.

dApps can exist across multiple layers of the blockchain ecosystem. Some simpler dApps might be built directly on Layer 1, using the blockchain’s smart contract capabilities. However, more complex dApps might utilize Layer 2 solutions, taking advantage of scaling mechanisms like payment channels or sidechains to improve performance and reduce transaction costs.

Digital Assets:

Digital assets can represent a wide range of virtual or digitized items, such as tokens, non-fungible assets (NFTs), digital collectibles, digital property rights, and more. These assets are typically represented and managed on the blockchain, providing ownership and transferability in a secure and transparent manner.

Continuing with the metaphor, digital assets can be likened to the cargo or goods that are transported along the transportation network. They represent the items of value that users want to exchange or store securely. Just as cargo is transported on vehicles across the roads and highways, digital assets are transferred and recorded on the blockchain, flowing through the different layers as necessary.

Digital assets can be associated with various layers depending on their nature and purpose. For instance, some digital assets might be native to Layer 1, using the blockchain’s built-in token standard to represent and transfer value. Others may be associated with specific dApps running on Layer 2, where they are used to access unique functionalities or represent ownership of virtual items within the application.

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