How to Fail ICO pt.5 Marketing that must not be named

4 min readSep 27, 2018


During the recent ICO boom, a huge number of agencies, advertising consultants and other wide-profile specialists have appeared on the market. They are ready to offer any marketing activities: starting from a “turn-key” ICO to social networks management.

Mistake №8- do not expect third parties will do all the marketing work for you and show the right way to develop the project. It would help if you always understood that given the short — term of ICO, the primary goal of such outsourcing companies is to make a profit here and now. No one will use different methods, pilots, individual approach. For example, there is a package of services “promotion Korea,” which includes Korean resources Cafe, Kakaotalk, several telegram channels, and influencers. Nobody is going to find out how your target audience matches the audience of the proposed sites, how the product is attractive to influencer’s subscribers and how many direct competitors have already ordered the same promotion. The East is a delicate matter, but this is hardly the main reason, as such promotion packages at fixed prices are distributed to other countries.

During the ICO period, we tried different marketing schemes and tactics, which I will describe in several chapters. In this text, I will share Alphateca experience in the following marketing activities: listings, banner, and contextual advertising.

It is difficult to imagine an ICO that is not represented on the trackers. Specialists in blockchain advertising will offer a long list of ICO calendars, which will contain information about your crowdsale: a brief description, dates, hardcap, softcap, WP and landing link. You can add an upcoming ICO on your own, eliminating the unnecessary chain of brokers. Trackers are both free and paid, where the cost of placement depends on the rating, promotion of the site and the impudence of its owners. The principle of work can be compared with search engines: for example, there is Google and many small search engines. If your site is shown in 50 small, but it is not in the leading search engine, then you are not attractive to anyone.

There are only a few top trackers where you can get traffic and recognition of the project. According to the advisors and crypto-enthusiasts with whom we had a chance to communicate, ICO bench and ICO drops have the most significant influence, although you can find an expanded top list on the Internet. To stay there, you must either make a contribution (ICO bench — from 0.1 BTC) or go through the moderation of the site and wait. In the future, the company can pass the KYC procedure and increase the rating of the project. After a long correspondence with the moderator, our free experience with ICO bench can be considered unsuccessful.


It is strictly necessary to have at least one top listing. Besides, some small listings will add you automatically.

  1. Placing banners on different platforms

Graphic banners- an established scheme to attract customers, as it is always easier to attract clients using visual aids. There are both automatic teaser networks and a set of private sites where one can make an agreement about placement.

Keep in mind that if you use even 100–500 banner places without a clear framework of the target audience, there will be a zero result. A possible traffic spike will be caused either by an artificial generation or by a non-target audience.

Our experience has shown that the conversion is achieved not by quantity but quality. Let it be 1–2 placements on sites with your target audience than a large number of banners on highly visited sites, but with a non-related audience. Should only 100 users click the banner, 50 of them will become your customers, and the conversion will still be higher than two clients out of 10,000 clicks.

Mistake № 9 when choosing sites for the banner ad, have a look at not only dry statistics about visits, search queries, but also conduct an in-depth analysis: the target audience, references, repost and citation rate.

In our case, a good spin-off gave the site mmgp, ccn, which are among the top resources.

As everyone knows, direct is a format that allows you to bring leads to your site quickly. As usual, in practice, there are many nuances.

Firstly, determine a minimum token purchase and the target conversion. For example, if the minimum purchase amount is $ 100 and the conversion rate is 3%, the maximum cost per click on contextual advertising will be $ 3. If the minimum token purchase is higher, the advertising actions are unprofitable.

Contextual advertising can be helpful at the stage of a presale when even one donator can compensate the cost of the entire advertising campaign. With an open sale and a small average check, you risk losing money faster than receiving it.

If you still decided to spend it, feel free to prepare at least $2K. We did not use contextual advertising because of the high cost.


When choosing a method of promotion do not forget that each project is unique, and no basic “package” will be able to get into your target audience and bring QUALITY traffic. No one knows your project better than you.

Next time we will consider telegrams, airdrop, hypes, mailings and lead generation.

Originally published at

