Successfully Survive the Challenges as a Fast Growing Startup

3 min readMar 29, 2017


With growth comes a number of challenges. Here I have tried to cover the major three, and I believe a lot falls under these three. I have noticed that many startups shut down when they are quickly growing. They anticipated growth but were not ready for it.

It has happened time and again, we see from outside world that a new startup is performing so well, they are so much in demand but none knows the challenges they are struggling to meet as a fast growing startup. 🚀

Managing bandwidth and how to tackle it

Managing bandwidth is a major challenge that always comes along with growth. When you grow, you have to increase your bandwidth. And with it comes endless challenges again. You need more bandwidth in terms of employees, space management (physical space for non-techies and Servers in the case of tech startups), and other operational areas.

Being in a startup, when you are short of funds and have to operationally manage everything, it becomes a mandate to find ways where you can cut costs. The best way to go about is, to make the automation, innovation and remote employees, work for you.

Instead of hiring multiple people who look after minor segments of a department, hire one or two and give them the best tool that handles that department well. In the case of small other work like graphics, content and other such needs, which are not mainstream, hire a remote workforce. This workforce will be cost effective, as you will be paying them to say per graphic, article, lead etc. But be sure you hire a reliable person.

As a startup founder, you go insane seeing that your team, which was a size of say 2 to 6 is growing to 20 +. Now keeping track of what each one is doing is next to impossible. To tackle this, there are tons of automated tools, why not use them! Automate your tasks and that of the team members. Give them the best tools that can increase their productivity. Do more; achieve more and this way you can and your team can perform better.

Reassert the product or services value

Another challenge you will face is that while defining these processes and trying to be most productive as a startup, you will tend to forget what your true startup is, as a product or service. As the team grows and the newcomers join, they are not aligned and are not aware of your mission. It is now a time to reassert.

This is what many startups forget and therefore shut down because, in the process of fighting growth, they forget their true purpose and value they initially wanted.

When you ignore the main existence while struggling to meet the demand, you are in trouble soon. Keep everyone in your team, time and again know what exactly is the main purpose of the product or the service you are providing.

Don’t ignore customer experience

When you trying to fight unplanned growth, try to be clear of the idea that how much is achievable and manageable using the bandwidth in hand. Don’t take orders or work, you cannot meet efficiently. In the competitive world, we are living in, a bad user experience is not acceptable.

Rather I would advise you to apologise and be transparent of your state. Say them that because of sudden unplanned demand you cannot meet their request and tell them when you will be in a position to help. Ask them shall we notify you when we are ready.

Trust is an important factor, once a user trust is broken chances are they will switch elsewhere. So don’t over promise, customers loyalty comes from the trust. A loyal customer is a referral program. Pay attention to give the best customer experience or nothing at all.

Hope you liked my views, if yes please motivate me by hitting the ❤️button.👇🏻

To know about recent technology trends that can help you grow your business or to discuss about your growth plan, you can write to me at




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