Blockchain-Based Real Estate Platforms: Alt.Estate vs. Competitors

5 min readApr 10, 2018


Real estate market is worth $217 trillion. Blockchain technology has been developing quickly, and it was only a matter of time when it conquers this conservative industry. We’ve looked at six most notable projects driving the real estate market towards decentralization.

Blockchain Truly Disrupts Real Estate

Historically, real estate industry is welcomed by investors for its stability. However, there always has been a high entry ticket, which made the market closed for middle class. Third parties pay high commissions. Deals take long. Legal barriers are high. International purchases are a nightmare. All those problems might go away thanks to blockchain.

The real estate blockchain projects have raised $120+ million as of today:


LATOKEN is a platform for tokenization and assets global trading using cryptocurrencies.

Alt.Estate vs LATOKEN

  • Alt.Estate focuses exclusively on real estate market to provide the best quality solutions.
  • Alt.Estate Protocol is flexible & provides solutions for various real estate tokenization use cases.
  • Alt.Estate released a detailed financial model so anyone can see and test the assumptions.
  • Alt.Estate implements both B2C and B2B marketing strategies including using marketing budgets of property sellers (10X leverage).
  • Alt.Estate uses more conservative assumptions in forecasts.


Propy is the international real estate marketplace and distributed ledger for property rights registration.

Alt.Estate vs Propy

  • Alt.Estate allows fractional property ownership, ensures a low entry ticket and opens the real estate investments to middle class. Alt.Estate and Propy focus on different segments of real estate market, so the partnership is possible.
  • Alt.Estate business model is based on the current legislation.
  • Alt.Estate marketing strategy is based on acquisition of high-quality traffic. Alt.Estate values ALT tokens even higher than fiat money and will not spend them with low efficiency.
  • Alt.Estate released a detailed financial model so anyone can see and test the assumptions.


Primalbase — shared workspaces divided into rentable offices and non-rentable co-working spaces reserved only for token holders.

Alt.Estate vs Primalbase

  • Alt.Estate business model is limited only by the real estate investment market size, not one vertical.
  • Alt.Estate Protocol is flexible and will allow (among many other things) to crowdfund projects like Primalbase at much lower costs.


REAL is a real estate investment fund with elements of specific property investment.

Alt.Estate vs REAL

  • Alt.Estate invests token sale proceeds into growth of the Platform and the Protocol connecting investors and sellers of the properties.
  • Alt.Estate business model is limited only by the real estate investment market size (not the budget to buy the property).
  • Alt.Estate Protocol will allow building your own portfolio of property specific-tokens. As a result, investors will have a wider variety of properties and they are in control of the exposure to the price risk of ALT token.
  • Alt.Estate defines investment horizon for each investment opportunity so investor is protected from locking funds in illiquid asset forever.
  • Alt.Estate provides detailed financial model so anyone can see and test the assumptions.
  • Alt.Estate uses more conservative marketing assumptions.


ATLANT is a decentralized P2P online marketplace for people to lease or rent lodging, and a platform for real estate tokenization, and a decentralized exchange to trade these tokens.

Alt.Estate vs ATLANT

  • Alt.Estate focuses exclusively on real estate investment market to provide the best quality solutions.
  • Alt.Estate Protocol is much more flexible, the value of each tokenized property can be much lower than $20 mln, not limiting the market.
  • Alt.Estate starts with mostly centralized model and gradually adds decentralization allowed by legislation in corresponding jurisdictions and only when community is large enough to fulfill these functions.
  • Alt.Estate has a much larger marketing budget in addition to the marketing budgets of property sellers which will be used.
  • Alt.Estate provides detailed financial model so anyone can see and test the assumptions.


Rex is a global platform for real estate listings aimed to free real estate data, transactions and tokenization are planned to be added in 2 and 3 years.

Alt.Estate vs REX

  • Alt.Estate business model is based on the current legislation.
  • Alt.Estate plans to have substantial business operations by the time REX only plans to start tokenization phase.
  • Alt.Estate released a detailed financial model so anyone can see and test the assumptions.
  • Alt.Estate has a clear go-to-market strategy.
  • Rex token sale mistake and lost funds raise concerns about the company’s IT development capabilities.

Follow Alt.Estate on Telegram, Twitter and Facebook or visit the website to know more about the platform.




The blockchain project to tokenize real estate market. Property sellers can buy or sell a mere 1cm2 properties all over the world.