Productivity Guide For Powerful Life Successes: Save Time & Make Life Game You Win (Get Rich)

Alyssa Mahin
6 min readApr 4, 2023

Everyone wants to have a productive life full of success and happiness. When you get your work done efficiently, you have more time for yourself to enjoy the things in life that make you happy. You have more time for love ones and the people in your life that truly matter.

Figure Alyssa Mahin

Here are some tips to improve your productivity so you can make more time for the things you love.

  1. Set Clear and Measurable Goals

Define clear, specific goals for each day, week, month, or year. This will help you stay focused and use your time effectively to achieve the goal.

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2. Create Checklists

Place your most important goals at the top of your checklist and prioritize different tasks throughout your day. Be sure to monitor the checklist and update it often.

List to do items that you need to get done. Avoid procrastination and take actionable steps each day to knock to do list items off of your list.



Alyssa Mahin

Environmental Science, Technology, and Law Expert and Business Owner. Real-estate and Crypto Enthusiast. Data Analyst. Masters in Environmental Law from VLS.