5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work

Amanda Johnson
3 min readJan 16, 2018


It was a hard day and I wasn’t in mood for working. So I was just staring at the computer screen and desperately making myself do something. I used some methods that’d helped me a lot. And I want to share them with you!

1. Don’t get overwhelmed

Whether you think that your task is hard or you’ve got too much to do, you can do it. Think of this work is a piece of the puzzle that’s helping you along your career path. You should not think that this work is frustrating, impossible or difficult for you. Just do it! And after that you will be proud of yourself, because you’ve made it.

Also it’d be useful to create a “Got Done” list and outline all the tasks that you’ve completed. You will see the progress of your work. For extra motivation, it should be in your sight for you to see the results.

2. Skill variety

You feel like you are doing the same boring work day after day? Of course it’s not so stimulating. However if you are doing different things, it will motivate you. So try to structure your day and work on different tasks. For example, instead of creating a presentation all day long, try to do some smaller things each day. Thus you will stimulate different parts of the brain, and your motivation will increase.

3. Read about success

Read books about success or biographies of famous people. If you are very busy, you can read 20 minutes a day and make it your daily habit. The are lots biographies of successful people. For example, you might want to read “Steve Jobs: A Biography” by Walter Isaacson. You should read such books in the morning before going for work. It will inspire you to work hard!

4. Sort out the priorities

If you are keeping a journal or maybe a Bullet Journal (this one is more effective), you will see what has a positive impact on you and your career and what is unnecessary and demotivating. You will stay focused and inspired working on activities that are meaningful.

5. Work done, have your fun

You can’t be motivated 24/7! It’s unrealistic to stay focused all the time. When you are at home, isolate yourself from working environment. Go offline in Skype and Slack, mute your phone notifications, don’t check your phone email. So try to complete all the tasks during the office day. It’d allow you to relax, recover your energy and feel more refreshed the next day. Ultimately, this will help you be more productive and do more in less time.

How do you stay motivated? What motivating books would you recommend?

