An Everyday Winner

Amanda Johnson
3 min readJan 19, 2018


People live on autopilot without any thoughts as to what is happening. But they think that their lives and career are under control, but it’s not. You wouldn’t be successful doing all the tasks in autopilot mode. So wake up from this routine and start to win every day! And this article will help you.

Win in the morning

“The first hour is the rudder of the day — the Golden Hour”

Henry Ward Beecher

How do you start your morning? Do you wake up early, grab a cup of coffee and get to work without motivation? So this is a bad habit. First of all, if it’s hard for you to wake up, put the alarm clock far from you. You’d have to get up and this way you won’t feel asleep. Start your day with a glass of water, it will invigorate the body. Include more starches in your breakfast, for example, smoothie. It will help your brain work more effectively. Also you can start a day with exercises, that will inspire you to work.

Small wins matter

You’ve accomplished a lot throughout the day, but you don’t see the progress in your life? But it’s not true!

Did you wake up on time and make your bed before you left for work? Win!

Did you do some morning exercises? Win!

Did you save money and stay under budget this week? Win!

There are so many reasons to celebrate! Make sure you notice them, and the following method will help you.

Recap your day

When you’re stressed and tired, you may think that you’ve done nothing during the day. That’s why invest 5–10 minutes each day to write down your highs and lows. You’d see your progress and find positive moments that slipped your attention. If your day was really bad, you might want to meditate upon your accomplishments during the day and choose things you may learn and grow from.

Enjoy the moment

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

Bill Watterson

People make plans for the the weekend, for the next month, for the next holiday. But they don’t enjoy the moment that’s why they feel disappointed all the time. So try to practice gratitude for each moment in your life and learn to enjoy it. Spend your time with dear ones. Enjoy small moments!

Relax and unwind

In the beginning of the article I’ve described useful habits for the morning routine, but how do you finish your day? What are your ways to relax after a working day? Do you prefer to read a book, to watch a movie, to play with your children or maybe to take a walk? Pick one of your daily evening activities and try it out for a week. And you will see what things make you happy and help your mind to escape any worries.

I hope these tips will help you to become an everyday winner!

Do you have any methods to win every day and become better?

