How to Stop Thinking About Work at Home

Amanda Johnson
Level Up!
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2018

by Amanda Johnson, Employee Motivation Consultant for — professional technical writing tool

Nowadays stress is an integral part of our lives. And we can’t relax even at home! This situation is familiar to people of all professions, especially for technical writers. Technical writing is hard and demands active intellectual work. So it’s very difficult to refocus and relax at home. This may lead to burnout in the future. In the result, it’ll influence the whole company. That’s why I want to share following tips that I’ve advised Clickhelp team at the seminar.

There are two main types of people. One group of people wants to relax after the working day, another one likes active leisure. The following tips will help you to spend your time properly.


When you’ve reached home, shut off the laptop and the mobile phone or turn off notifications. The next step is to have a glance at the mirror and realize that you’re at home right now. Your home should be the place when you can forget about problems. So create all conditions for relaxation. You may light aromatic candles, turn off the lights and put relaxing music on. Such atmosphere has a beneficial impact on nervous system and makes you forget about work. Maybe you’ll feel like meditating. So I recommend you this video with soft music.

However, some people haven’t meditated before and don’t know how to do it right. I assure you that it’s easy! Here is a simple guide for beginners.


Another way to relax is to take a bath. A warm bath isn’t just a way to relax your body but has a number of other advantages:

1. It improves blood circulation and pressure

Water creates physical pressure on a body that increases the capacity of a heart. So it’s like a kind of an exercise for blood vessels.

According to the recent study a hot bath may lower the blood pressure. But if you have health problems you should consult your doctor because a hot bath raises the rate of heartbeat.

2. It improves sleep

Hot water relaxes muscles and mind that’s important at the end of the day. But you should be attentive to your body because hot water increases the body temperature that’s why don’t take a bath when you’re ill. Moreover, you mustn’t fall asleep in a bath.

3. It reduces headaches

Nowadays because of our lifestyles, to have a headache is a normal state of health. If you have a headache after your working day take a warm bath. It alleviates the pressure on blood vessels.

In order to take your mind off work do whatever you like. It can be reading, watching series or listening to music.

If you like active leisure the following section is for you.

Active leisure

First of all, you need a plan in order to not get confused in daily routine such as washing, cleaning, cooking and paying bills. Sort these tasks, for example, wash the floor on Monday and cook on Tuesday. As long as you have a plan you’ll be more productive, so you can do housework and relax.

Speaking of activities, this kind of recreation will make you not just only healthy but will help you stay stress-free. Physical activities raise the number of endorphins. These hormones reduce the stress level and help us to be more self-confident.

How to boost endorphins? Any kind of activity may increase endorphins. It can be yoga, fitness, jogging etc. If you’re very tired at the end of your working day, go for a walk with your friends. So you’ll combine the useful with the pleasant.

If it’s possible don’t bring work home because you won’t get rest and your fingers will be all thumbs the next day.

In order to be productive and motivated, you should forget about work when you’re at home and refresh before next working day.

What do you do to relax after your working day?

Amanda Johnson,
Employee Motivation Consultant for — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors

