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No, You are not an Entrepreneur

Aman Gautam
3 min readSep 30, 2016


So, I am standing here. Telling you… to your face. Dude! You are NOT an entrepreneur. It’s not that I don’t understand entrepreneurship. I understand the startup eco-system very well. I read YourStory and TechCrunch everyday after I come home after my Job. In fact, The idea of Zomato was originally mine… That Deepinder Goyal just stole it from me. I probably wrote it somewhere :(

I have some informed reasons why you’re not an entrepreneur:

  1. You are not building the next Google. Yes, You should probably take up a job
  2. You are profitable. Startups don’t want profit, they run after disruption
  3. You are not looking for funding? Hahah, you’re funny man. How else will you make money? Profit? That won’t make you a real entrepreneur…
  4. You don’t have an NDA while you go out and talk to people about your big idea. You can’t give away your billion dollar idea like this
  5. You don’t love failing. You must try and fail. The more you fail, the better…
  6. You don’t work 80 hours a week. Fun time means more work time, for Entrepreneurs
  7. You are not running after number of Facebook likes or app installs. Just get users, VCs will take care of the money
  8. You don’t have TBs of data. So you don’t have the big-data for applying your deep learning algorithms? Big-data is the present and future, dummy! There is no startup without that
  9. Your startup name doesn’t end with an ‘ly’ or ‘fy’. Startups need a .io, .co, domain to flourish in modern era…
  10. You sleep
  11. You don’t carry your brand well enough. Where is your underwear with your logo on it?
  12. You don’t justify your work by giving examples of Elon Musk.
  13. You don’t call yourself a CXO
  14. You’re not a college dropout, or from an IIT, or both
  15. You don’t want to change the “whole world” or even the way the whole industry works. :( That’s so so selfish…

If you still don’t understand, Noob… This post was a satire on how entrepreneurs are generalised. It’s good to have a big vision, focus on market-fit, make pivots, raise funds… but none of that defines you as an Entrepreneur. What defines you is how true you are to yourself. Even a person selling tea on road-side is an entrepreneur. Success has different meaning for different people.

We all have goals. Personal, financial and others. Let us be respectful to other people’s goals. Stop judging! :) If you know a stereotype that I missed, share it…

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