I’m Braless. So What?

What exactly is the big deal about it?

Amanda Sexton
3 min readNov 6, 2021
Pink crop top, worn braless
All images: Copyright Amanda Sexton

Some sections of the media consider the non-wearing of a bra to be a newsworthy event. Readers on both sides of the Atlantic may be familiar with Dailymail.com, which is one of the worst offenders.

Their headlines tend to follow a simple format:

<Minor Celebrity> goes braless while <doing mundane activity>

The celebrity in question may be shopping, taking a walk or just sitting in a garden. That’s not the point of the story. The apparently newsworthy fact is that they’ve been careless enough, or brazen enough, to pursue these everyday activities without the protection of a bra.

Of course, these articles don’t discuss the intellectual ins and outs of why the non-wearing of a bra is such a notable event. But the general tone of the articles is that we’re supposed to be somewhat shocked at the idea of anyone going braless. And some of the most popular comments on these articles suggest that many readers do indeed look rather disapprovingly on people who go braless.

But what’s wrong with not wearing a bra?

I shall declare an interest at this point. I never wear a bra. I don’t see any good reason why I should. And I don’t see anything wrong with not wearing a bra.

