Amber Poe
May 21, 2024


Hi Kari,

There is a meme that floated around and maybe you can find it where it says God is the Father...and the Christian says yes, that's right. Then it goes God is the son...ah yes he is that too. Then finally it goes God is the Holy Spirit...and the Christina goes ahh yes he is great indeed...and then the meme asks the Christian how he is man and a holy spirit and what gender is the holy spirit and it says that God is really non-binary and the Christian fumes over that conclusion. For the life of me, I can't find it, but it's a good one, lol. I'm sure for Pride month it'll start to make its rounds again. Al the Best!



Amber Poe

I am a 42 year old AMAB who is 22 months on HRT to become the woman I always destined to be.