Is All Transgender Visibility Good?

3 min readJul 7, 2017


Is all trans visibility good? What can visibility accomplish and what can’t it?

America in Transition is a documentary series exploring family, relationships, and social issues for trans people of color across the country. We asked America in Transition fans to sound off, and this is what they had to say.

Melvin’s Response:

Femmily Blake’s Response:

It is necessary for all of us to see folks who look and identify like us with power in the world — whether that is political, artistic, at school, in our neighborhoods, in entertainment, in business, in healthcare, and more.

However, when those individuals use their platforms to harm others, like when famous white trans people use their wealth and status to proclaim they are for the conservative/right, and that all trans people should be a certain way — that does us no good and ultimately hurts us. It serves the agenda of the people who oppress us, not those of us trying to get liberated.

I think we need to be thoughtful about our visibility and use it to support our communities, like #AIT is doing!

Sergio’s Response:

I think we have made amazing strides in trans and queer representation in the media but we still have a long way to go. I think back to when I was younger and watching Silence of The Lambs where “Buffalo Bill” is trans and a serial killer because they can’t have the surgery they want “to become a woman” or most recently in Pretty Little Liars where Charlotte goes on a 6 year stalking journey because her family didn’t accept her so she tries to kill her cousin and her friends.

We have these twisted narratives of what it means to be trans — which to be is unacceptable. We need more television and movies to show queer and trans people thriving and living their best lives. Like the Emmy nominated series @herstoryshow where trans women are thriving and living and loving and showing us what it means to live authentically or sense8 (yes it’s not without its problems) but it portrays trans people as heroes and lovers. We need to fund projects like #AmericainTransition and other trans and queer led projects because I want to see our existence portrayed beautifully and not as the villain with some shitty storyline.

We need to hire trans actors to play trans roles. We need to hire trans creators, directors, producers. We need to hire folks with diverse backgrounds, we need to listen to trans people. #AmericainTransition #transactors #transrepresentation

America in Transition uses personal experiences to drive conversations, equip local organizers with tools, and change culture.

Show us #WeBelong by donating to our crowdfunding campaign today: — campaign ends on July 13th!

