Is ‘Computer Science’ and ‘Information Systems’ the same subject?

8 min readMay 9, 2017


Importance of Technology Information

Today’s world, without knowledge of how to use computers, would be a difficult place to live. The information on how to use system depending on the operational systems and also to understand how different systems actually work. Information technology has developed a crucial quantity of the quick and exact transmission and administering of huge sizes of files administered in worldwide transport companies and port administrations. Within this knowledge, there are varieties of courses in the university, where we can develop our knowledge about technology, such as software engineer, programmer, app developer, networking, business analyses, web designer, computer science, information systems and etc. in this report I am going to define, compare the computer science course and information system, evaluate the differences and the similarities between them and at the end I am going to write some conclusion and recommendation, which will be based on facts and results of the discussions.

Computer Science and Information System

Computer Science

Wherever there are marvels, near can be knowledge to define and clarify those marvels. Therefore, the cleanest response to “What is computer science?” is, “Computer Science is the study of computers.” The marvels nearby computers are wide-ranging, compound, and ironic. It remains just to response the objections modeled by many skeptics. “There are many definitions for computer science, but the one that best captures the richness and breadth of ideas embodied in this branch of science was first proposed by Professors Norman Gibbs and Allen Tucker. According to their definition, the central concept in computer science is algorithms.” (Gersting, 2011). Computer science is the technical and useful method of computation and its applications. A computer scientist focuses on the theory of calculation and the plan of computational structures. Because of the vagueness of the term computer science, one cannot initiate an examination into the growth of computer science by defining computer science. One of the needs of defining computer science is that definition has two meanings: to tell what discipline is, and to tell what discipline is not. This dual function is hard to achieve, and there is often a fight between a thin definition and comprehensive definition. I do not reach at any conclusive definition of computer science because I have not been able to either construct or look for a definition that would not moderate any features of computer science and that would still be informative about the diversity of divisions that are considered to fit computer science nowadays. One of the objections is: computer science is the education of algorithms or programs, not computers. The fact is presented more profound understanding than they are sometimes accredited with, the creators of the principal expert corporation for computer science named it the Association for Computing Machinery. The education about computers, counting together hardware and software design is another definition of computer science, which is composed of many wide disciplines, including artificial intelligence and software engineering. Most schools now offer bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees in computer science. Computer science explains to you how to use computers to create the world work as it does. You will study how to make a computer act in what way you need — this may be building a machine move something from one end of a room to another, it could be creating a control which saves somebody’s life in a medical ward, or it might be producing a whole new planet through making photos or sound or building a computer system so that other people can do this.

Information System

The information system is a subject for computer professional users. An information system is any mixture of information technology and publics’ behaviors that care procedures, controlling and decision-making. In an exact comprehensive intelligence, the phrase information system is often used to mention the communication between people, procedures, statistics, and technology. In this logic, the word is used to mention not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) that a corporation uses but also to the method in which persons interrelate with this knowledge in the help of business procedures. Particular create rich excellence among information systems, computer systems, and business processes. Information systems classically contain an ICT module but are not only concerned with ICT, aiming in its place on the final usage of information technology. Information systems are likewise diverse from business processes. Information systems aid to control the performance of business processes. Vary debates for an information system as an unusual type of work system. A work system is a system in which humans and machinery do work-using possessions to make certain products or services for consumers. An information system is a labor scheme whose actions are devoted to managing information. As such, information systems inter-relate with statistics systems on the one part and activity systems on the last. An information system is a form of a communication system in which data characterize and are treated as a method of public memory. An information system can similarly be reflected in a semi-formal language, which supports human management and achievement. Information systems are the main attention of analysis for the information systems discipline and for organizational informatics. A mixture of persons, hardware, software, communication strategies, net and data possessions that develops records and information for a certain commitment. The procedure philosophy is just alike to any other system, which requires inputs from the operator. The inputted data then will be processed using skill devices such as computers, and create output, which will be lead to the additional user or new system through a network and a response method that panels the function. According to the University of Auckland, when you study information system, you will learn how to work in original crews to develop brand-new products and answers that might protect survives, improve the situation or our standard of living and keep us connected. You may select to focus on the examination of systems, the design of systems, or the use of information systems in societies. (The University of Auckland).

Difference between Computer Science and Information System

Information Technology / Information Systems is more business-oriented, is all about how computers are used inside a business situation; less mathematics involved and no science courses. Computer Science is all about, programming, software design, and no business whatsoever. The information technology would be appropriate for technology support works. If someone studies computer science, he or she can simply drop down to the information system. The main point here is programming and by programming, I am trying to indicate that programming is the one, which learners will educate in computer science, whereas in the information system is more how to plan and manage computer networks Computer science focuses mainly on computing — it’s more theoretical and includes more about programming. One of the instances, which clarify the difference, would be the difference between automobile mechanic and automobile designer. As a mechanic, you know how to build a car, how everything works from start to the end. However, a car designer is who designs a car and who are given instruction how to assemble the parts together. Computer Information Systems (CIS) is concerned with the connection among information systems and the administrations that they help. This connection involves not only the concept and values of such but also the application and development. CIS professionals are involved in:

  1. The elaboration of systems that employ other software products to become their organizations’ requirements for knowledge or information
  2. User preparation
  3. Systems deployment and design work
  4. Modifying application tools, particularly databases, to the requirements of the enterprise

Similarity(s) between Computer Science and Information System

The information system is frequently by mistake reflected a division of computer science. However, it is truly a comprehensive, interdisciplinary field, including not only features of computer science, but also regularly various subjects such as perceptive science, trade, infra-structures, law, documentation science, managing, calculation, public policy, and the public sciences. Computer science and information system course, both are intercourse with computers. I have looked at the first year and second year modules in the Kingston University website. The first year is literally the same modules.

For Information System in Year 2, students will study the essential information systems subjects together with a professional unit in e-business developments. This observes the connection between applying an e-commerce approach and integrating information across organizational subdivisions and between an organization and its customers and providers. It covers business matters such as customer relationships, globalization, information supervision, organizational effectiveness, and service value. They will also look at security — the main worry in the Internet industry. In Year 3 they will take 2 essential information systems units: Information Systems Management and Information Systems Strategy. The information system is the part of broader computer science and emphases on the system creation use of technology. CIS is computer science with overall business options further. The main CS courses will be there but not widely specialization in CS. If you want to become an application coder you will need to get a CS degree. (Kingston University, 2012)

Are they Different Perspective on the Same Subjects?

To answer that question we need to consider the fact an example of a subject once again and compare it within CS and CIS courses. However, before giving an example, it has to be considered that subjects in CS are more academic and specialize than subjects in CIS.

CS is definitely the demand degree than CIS. CS is the most extensively valued and known and is more much vital if you want a programming job if it is databases or coding within a business. It will teach things you won’t study in the other degrees such as:

  • Data Constructions
  • Algorithms
  • Programming Languages
  • Design Outlines
  • Software Buildings

It is more significant to consider the most flexible degree. In this quickly changing technology, it can be worn a diversity of programmers and could also be done management. Moreover, this cannot be thought that one year of programming courses in any degree will make a good programmer. First year CS courses simply teach what a professional programmer requires to know. After 3 years of CS, it can be better prepared to write code, although there are still much more to learn.


It can be seen then that differences do exist between Computer Science (CS) and Computer Information System (CIS). This can be seen in the facts, results and the charts above. There are 3 years for each course. The first year is basically the same for each one. The main learning starts to form the second year to the third year. It also has to be considered that if business and management are the ones, which is want to be worked with in the future, so the CIS has to be learned. However, according to the charts, if there are programming, computer security, networking, web designing, and operating system are the fields, which is wanted to be worked with in the future, therefore, CS is the course it has to be considered learning. To clarify this recommendation, the chart below represents the relationships between Computer Science, Information System and their relationships to business/ management.


Allen Newell, A. J. (n.d.). What is Computer Science? . Retrieved 12 2012, 06, from Science 1967 (157) 1373–4 : Wikipedia. (2012, 12 05). Computer Science. Retrieved 12 06, 2012, from Wikipedia: Wikipedia. (2012, 11 24). Information System. Retrieved 12 06, 2012, from Wikipedia:


Gersting, G. M. (2011). Invitation to Computer Science. (B. Shailer, Ed.) Boston, Massachusett, USA: Cengage Learning. Kingston University. (2012, 09 01). Information Systems BSc(Hons). Retrieved 12 07, 2012, from Kingston University London: The University of Auckland. (n.d.). Why study Information Systems? Retrieved 12 06, 2012, from Information Systems and Operations Management:




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