Rising from Despair: What to Do When Life Feels Pointless and How to Find Meaning?

Amir Hossain
4 min readNov 22, 2023


Hey there, fellow wanderers in the existential abyss! Have you ever felt like life handed you a one-way ticket to Pointlessnessville, and you’re desperately trying to find the express train back to Meaningful City? Fear not, because we’ve got your guide to “Rising from Despair: What to Do When Life Feels Pointless and How to Find Meaning.”

Photo by Coen Staal on Unsplash

Picture this: You’re sitting on your couch, staring at the ceiling, and contemplating the universe’s grand question — “What’s the point?” Well, my friend, if life were a choose-your-own-adventure book, you’d just stumbled upon the page titled “The Void.” But fear not because we’re about to embark on a journey more epic than any fantasy novel.

The Abyss: It’s Dark, but We Brought Flashlights

First things first, let’s acknowledge the darkness. Life feeling pointless is like a stormy night without a flashlight — you stumble, fumble, and may stub your toe on the furniture of existential crisis. It’s okay; we’ve all been there. But guess what? We’re handing you a metaphorical flashlight, a glow-in-the-dark disco ball flashlight. Because why not make the journey a little groovy?

Imagine this flashlight as your curiosity, your willingness to explore the nooks and crannies of your mind and the universe. Turn it on and illuminate the corners where meaning might be hiding, waiting to be discovered. Now, let’s embark on this cosmic adventure together.

The Quest for Meaning: More Exciting Than a Treasure Hunt

Now that you’re armed with your existential disco ball seek meaning. It’s like a treasure hunt, but instead of X marking the spot, it’s your heart, and the treasure is the profound realization that life is a chaotic, beautiful mess. Cue the dramatic music because this journey is going to be a blockbuster.

Picture this as an epic quest with dragons (metaphorical, of course) and challenges that will test your resilience and creativity. You’re not just seeking meaning; you’re on a hero’s journey, and the hero is you. Every setback is a plot twist, and every challenge is a character-building moment.

Strategy #1: Unleash Your Inner Philosopher

Ever wondered what the great philosophers would say about your Netflix-and-chill existence? It’s time to channel your inner Socrates and ponder the big questions. Who are you? What do you stand for? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor, and what does it say about the meaning of life? Okay, skip the ice cream part, but you get the gist.

Take a moment to reflect on your values, passions, and beliefs. Consider the things that make you come alive and the activities that bring you joy. This isn’t about finding a universal answer; it’s about discovering your unique perspective and what gives your life personal meaning.

Strategy #2: Embrace the Absurdity of it All

Life is absurd, my friend. Embrace it like a long-lost friend you haven’t seen since high school. When nothing makes sense, dance in the rain, laugh at the absurdity, and celebrate the chaos. Remember, it’s not about finding the ultimate answer but reveling in the ridiculousness of the journey.

Absurdity is the spice of life; it adds flavor and unpredictability to the mundane. So, the next time life throws you a curveball, catch it with a grin and a twirl. The more you dance with the absurd, the more you’ll realize that sometimes, the most profound moments arise from unexpected situations.

Strategy #3: Connect the Dots in Your Starry Sky

Have you ever stared at the night sky and tried connecting the dots to make constellations? Your life is that night sky, and each experience is a dot waiting to be connected. Find the patterns, create your constellations, and marvel at the unique masterpiece that is your life.

Reflect on your journey and identify the pivotal moments that have shaped you. Look for recurring themes, lessons learned, and personal growth. These are the dots in your starry sky; as you connect them, a meaningful narrative unfolds.

Conclusion: Your Adventure Awaits!

So there you have it, intrepid explorers of the existential landscape. Life may sometimes feel pointless, but remember, it’s just a plot twist in your epic adventure. Grab your existential disco ball, unleash your inner philosopher, dance with absurdity, and connect the dots in your starry sky. “Rising from Despair” isn’t just a guide; it’s your roadmap to turning the mundane into the extraordinary.

Life may not come with a manual, but it sure does come with a story. Get out there and make yours a blockbuster! Remember, the roller coaster of life is more thrilling when you embrace every twist, turn, and loop with open arms. Your adventure awaits!

Disclaimer: Some of the part of this post includes content written by AI.



Amir Hossain

I blog on everything and anything— hoping my blogs will make your days a bit happier!