The Impact of Botany and Tissue Culture on Plants

Amita Vadlamudi
1 min readJan 8, 2018


Chestnut Tree

The study of plants, botany offers a better understanding of how changing environments impact natural ecosystems and crop production. Factors, like pollution, are evaluated by botanists to determine necessary reforms that contribute to land and environmental preservation. Additionally, the field of botany is vital to enhancing the future of plant pathology, biotechnology, forestry, and horticulture.

In terms of tissue culture, botanists have the capability to create full-grown plants from a single cell. This is a benefit to dying plant species, such as the American chestnut. Once found in abundance in Eastern forests, the hardwood tree is disappearing at an alarming rate due to a disease-producing fungus. However, it has the potential to make a comeback after scientists successfully grew the plant in a tissue culture. This achievement spurred research into creating a blight-resistant strain of the tree that can later be planted in forests without concern of its livelihood in the face of the disease-producing fungi.

About the Author: Interested in the topics of history and culture, Amita Vadlamudi also enjoys exploring the environment. Amita Vadlamudi likes learning about land formations, marine biology, and botany.



Amita Vadlamudi

Amita Vadlamudi has worked in the IT industry for more than 30 years, and served as a computer systems engineer at a major financial services company.