Durian E-Commerce Redesign

Onyx UX Studio
6 min readMay 24, 2024


Let’s talk about the complete redesign of Durian E-Commerce, a leading furniture retailer in India. Our goal was to create a user-friendly, trustworthy, and persuasive online shopping experience that caters to the diverse needs of our customers. By incorporating new features and enhancing the overall user journey, we aimed to significantly boost our conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Website: https://Durian.in

User Personas


  • Age: 32
  • Location: Mumbai
  • Occupation: Housewife
  • Behavior: Loves shopping online but lacks confidence in spending INR 50,000 on furniture due to trust issues.
  • Needs: A trustworthy and reassuring shopping experience that boosts her confidence in making significant purchases online.


  • Age: 35
  • Location: Delhi
  • Occupation: VP of an MNC
  • Behavior: Prefers online shopping due to a busy schedule, willing to spend INR 1 lakh if the site shows trust and persuasiveness.
  • Needs: A seamless and convincing shopping experience that emphasizes trustworthiness and convenience.


  • Age: 50
  • Location: Mumbai
  • Occupation: Businessman
  • Behavior: Skeptical about spending INR 75,000 online for a sofa set, prefers to visit the store before making a purchase.
  • Needs: A detailed store locator with maps, locations, and pictures to find the nearest store easily and build trust before purchasing online.

Redesign Steps

The new product details page in Mobile, showing the scrolls one after one

Step 1: User Research

  • Conducted comprehensive user research to understand pain points, preferences, and trust issues.
  • Utilized surveys, interviews, and usability testing to gather qualitative and quantitative data.

Step 2: Persona Development

Created detailed user personas to guide design decisions, focusing on trust, convenience, and ease of use.

Step 3: Trust-Building Features

Implemented Trust, Attachment, Persuasion, and Emotion (TAPE) principles in the design.


  • Secured Domain Name and Link: Ensured all pages were under a secure HTTPS protocol.
  • High-Quality Content: Created original, engaging content free of plagiarism.
  • Design Quality: Used a clean, professional design that instilled confidence.
  • Relevant Photos: Displayed high-quality images that resonated with our target audience
  • Authentic Information and Backlinks: Provided genuine information with credible backlinks to enhance trust.
  • Subtle Call to Actions: Designed CTAs to be clear and not aggressive, encouraging user engagement.
  • Customer Reviews: Featured genuine customer reviews prominently.
  • Physical Address: Included the physical address of Durian to establish legitimacy.

Avoiding Trust Erosion:

  • Eliminated dark patterns, phishing risks, and vulnerabilities to prevent user distrust.

Step 4: Mini Cart

The new Mini Cart
  • Designed a sliding mini cart that appears when an item is added to the cart or wish list.
  • The mini cart displays item details, savings, offers like free delivery and installation, encouraging users to complete their purchases.

Step 5: Enhanced Cart and Checkout Flow

New Cart Design
  • Redesigned the cart to show all details clearly, including discounts and offers.
  • Simplified the checkout process for existing users and made it easy for new users to register by filling out their details during checkout.
  • Ensured the pricing and CTAs were always visible in the right column, making the page easy to navigate and understand.

Step 6: Store Locator

Store Locator
  • Developed a new store locator section with maps, detailed locations, and pictures.
  • Aimed to make it easy for users like Mahendra to find the nearest store and visit it before making an online purchase.

Design Framework: Success Centered Design

TAPE Principles


Trust is paramount for user conversion and loyalty. Our design built trust through secure, high-quality, and authentic elements. We avoided dark patterns, phishing, and design vulnerabilities.

Reviews from existing customers builds a lot of trust in new users, above is the reviews on a product details page


Attachment stems from creating a design that users connect with and return to. We achieved this by:

  • Anticipating Needs: Designing features that preemptively address user needs.
  • Customized Offerings: Tailoring content and suggestions based on user research.
  • Immersive Experiences: Creating long-lasting, engaging experiences through intuitive design and memorable interactions.
a view of details reviews page that opens after clicking on a review


Persuasion was enhanced by building on trust and attachment:

  • Facts and Figures: Provided comparative studies, timely updates, and referenced information.
  • Client Feedback: Showcased genuine testimonials and customer reviews.
  • Rewards and Offers: Highlighted discounts, offers, and incentives to drive conversions.


We tapped into users’ emotions by understanding their underlying motivations and fears:

  • Fear of Loss: Emphasized scarcity and limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency.
  • Opportunities: Presented opportunities clearly, with simple CTAs and human stories to drive engagement.
Check out Start
Check out after filling up details


Overall E-Commerce Conversion Rate: Increased by 250%

Mobile Mini Cart Conversion: Increased by 300%

New Checkout Conversion to Payment Page: Tripled

Client Feedback

“UX Design Studio’s work has boosted Durian E-Commerce’s conversion rates and engagement, meeting our expectations.

They’re extremely agile, and their turnaround time is faster compared to other design firms.”

- Somesh Dokania, Director


SCHEDULING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ✨
COST: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
QUALITY: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
NPS: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

The new design has led to phenomenal improvement in conversion and engagement metrics.

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

Super effective , we used a project management tool to manage all our pages, bugs, changes etc. we always met timelines as a team without compromising on quality.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

They’re extremely agile, and their turnaround time is faster compared to other design firms. We were able to achieve a lot in very less time at an extremely competitive cost. They understood the brand and requirements very quickly.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

Having your own project clarity is extremely important with any design firm.

Sofa collection page


The redesign of Durian E-Commerce was a comprehensive project that focused on creating a trustworthy and user-friendly experience. By implementing the Success Centered Design framework, which includes UX and TAPE principles, we successfully addressed the needs of our diverse user base. The significant increase in conversion rates and customer satisfaction is a testament to the effectiveness of our design strategy.

Future Recommendations

  • Continuously gather user feedback to refine and improve the online shopping experience.
  • Explore additional features like virtual try-ons or augmented reality to further build trust and engagement.
  • Monitor analytics to identify new areas for optimization and enhancement.

This case study demonstrates our commitment to creating a trustworthy and persuasive e-commerce platform that meets the needs of our users and drives business growth.


