1 min readJan 1, 2018


You shared a link to Quadratic Voting (QV). In our countless discussions, this is the very first useful thing that you’ve brought to the table. However, somebody else already brought it to my attention three years ago. So the one useful thing that you brought to the table was already on the table.

Here’s the most recent thing that I wrote about QV… Why Does Quadratic Voting Excite Miles Kimball?

Basically, QV is more useful than voting because it does reveal at least some preference intensity. But it’s less useful than spending because it fails to reveal all preference intensity.

But I do credit the creators of QV with bringing the bees to my attention…

Today’s Mandeville is the renowned biologist Thomas D. Seeley, who was part of a team which discovered that colonies of honey bees look for new pollen sources to harvest by sending out scouts who search for the most attractive places. When the scouts return to the hive, they perform complicated dances in front of their comrades. The duration and intensity of these dances vary: bees who have found more attractive sources of pollen dance longer and more excitedly to signal the value of their location. The other bees will fly to the locations that are signified as most attractive and then return and do their own dances if they concur. Eventually a consensus is reached, and the colony concentrates on the new food source. — Rory Sutherland and Glen Weyl Humans are doing democracy wrong. Bees are doing it right

The name “Sutherland” should sound familiar…


