Interior designers in Mumbai design Mumbai beautifully

Amvi twong
2 min readOct 12, 2016


A lot of times, when we have visited friend’s homes and their homes are untidy, it would have brought a negative impression in some way or the other. It would have also brought within us a feeling of discomfort. This highlights that the importance and the need for clean surroundings and plans. If a home is designed in a bad way, no matter how clean it is, it would fail to bring in a positive change in the home itself and in the people. Interior designing as a course has become one of the most popular courses which have been highly in demand.

When designing and decorating a home, it becomes important to understand the residents of the home who are going to be using the space. In case of aged people, it is important to take care that the design makes their lives comfortable and does not put them in discomfort. While choosing someone to help with the house interior design, it is important to ensure that the requirements of the design are clearly communicated to the designer. The designer would then ensure to put the requirements into action and devise a plan that would be most beneficial and workable for the client.

Though the basics of designing a residential space and commercial space would be the same, commercial interior design does have certain other things that are to be looked at. Being a work place, office is where a lot of productivity has to come into play. Therefore, the designs should be such that the productivity is boosted and efficiency is achieved. This is proven by various research studies that a lot of factors in designing at work place can help improve the efficiency of the people at work.

In both commercial and residential projects, it is important to use the natural light efficiently and also ensure that the designs are clean and without any hurdles. The space must not be too cramped with over use of accessories and furniture. Employees should have adequate space to move around freely. The interior designers in Mumbai are quite popular throughout the country. They ensure that the space is used optimally and the place is designed aesthetically to achieve best results. In addition to this, it is also important to find a person who would give you the best result and a fruit of the picture you have had in mind.

