
🎢 Exciting News from Taylor, Texas 🎢

You see, while it's great that Samsung moved to Taylor, Texas to infuse the local economy, the reality is that many people I know in Taylor never had the opportunity to go to college. A theme park, however, will sustain the economy in many areas and provide jobs for those who didn't get to attend college and for those who are from this little bitty town. This theme park is going to be something that keeps Taylor first, unlike all these other entities moving to town. We do have a rich entertainment community, and I know quite a few folks that put on really good shows.... 🤔 We're flippin the scrirpt on this cotton pickin town. 🤭 Pulling #TheUltimateHiest. #TheWire don't have nothing on #TheLine in Taylor Texas.

#TaylorFirst #EconomicGrowth

"The Samsung chip factory announcement is set to put Taylor, Texas not just on the state's map but on the global map, transforming it into an international economic hub. If it proceeds and breaks ground, the Samsung Development will attract major development and growth for Taylor, from construction to business across all industries for decades to come. As I dig deeper into this story, it's clear that the impact will be profound." ~ Trusted Source

#JobCreation #SupportLocal #CommunityDevelopment #TaylorTexas #HauntedTexasThemePark #Empowerment #EconomicSustainability #InclusiveOpportunities #LocalJobs


I'm thinking we got sold out ... but Haunted Texas is dedicated to research and making sure we keep Taylor's heart and soul intact. 🤔🤪👻🤠🎢🎡🫶🏿🫶🏾🫶🫶🏻🫵🏻🫵🏼🫵🏾🫵🦆🇨🇱



Haunted Texas Theme Park & History Preservation

Haunted Texas Theme Park & Haunted USA Project. Where We Dive Into The Mystery of History & Dreams Come 2 Life!