Locked Inside a Nightmare Part 2: The Haunting Echoes of Sara Lowe’s Quest for Justice


In the dark corridors of the Texas Youth Commission facilities, where the profit of incarceration overshadows the light of justice, a harrowing tale unfolded — a tale of a young life snatched by the merciless hands of a system that prioritizes gain over rehabilitation. This is the story of Sara Marie Lowe, a young woman whose quest for an apology from the state of Texas remains unfulfilled even in death. Her voice echoes through the memories of Amy Broadnax, her cellmate and confidante, who carries the torch of their shared nightmare.

Sara Lowe’s Tragic Story:

Sara Lowe was more than a statistic in the annals of the Texas Youth Commission; she was a daughter, a sister, and a dreamer with aspirations that extended beyond the confines of her cell. Born in North Platte and raised in Plano, Texas, Sara was a bright spark, extinguished too soon. Her journey to the TYC facility began with hope but ended in despair, as she became ensnared in a web woven by the Wackenhut Corporation — a web of abuse and silence.

As lawsuits mounted against Wackenhut, Sara found herself amidst a legal battle that would see two employees plead guilty to heinous acts. Yet, the company’s resolution — a settlement contingent upon silence — left Sara and her family and all others involved gagged by the very system meant to protect them.

The Legal Battle and Its Aftermath:

The legal wrangling did little to soothe the pain. On the day of the settlement, Sara’s light was extinguished by her own hand, a poignant testament to her agony. “She wanted to die so bad she shot herself, TWICE! Once in the mouth, once in the temple!” her mother painfully recounted. “How that was even possible, shows the strength of her will,” says Amy, “She was the one who would go “occupy” the guards to keep other girls safe.” This act was not just the end of Sara’s life but a damning indictment of a corporation and a system that failed her profoundly.

Amy Broadnax’s Experiences and Memories:

For Amy Broadnax, the horrors of that time are indelible. The nights spent in fear, the oppressive shadow of guards, and the silent cries in the darkness are as vivid today as they were then. “Sometimes I would run past the guard booth as fast as I could,” Amy recalls, a testament to the terror that gripped her. The physical ailments, the bladder infections from holding her pee, were mere echoes of the deeper psychological scars that remain.

In a poignant turn of events that would forever alter the fabric of Amy Broadnax’s life, a voicemail from Sara would serve as a chilling prelude to tragedy. On that fateful day, as Amy focused on her studies in Business Administration at Job Corps in San Diego, striving to rebuild her life in the aftermath of the court battle, her phone captured Sara’s final words. It was an apology, a message that left Amy entwined in a web of confusion and concern.

Frantically trying to reach Sara, days passed with no answer. It wasn’t until a somber conversation with one of the attorneys that the harrowing truth was revealed — Sara had taken her own life. This revelation struck Amy with the force of a tempest, leaving her grappling with a maelstrom of grief and unanswered questions. Sara’s voice, captured in that last message, would echo in Amy’s heart, a haunting reminder of their shared struggles and the unyielding bond that even the cruel hand of fate could not sever.

As Amy continues her journey, the memory of that call serves both as a source of deep sorrow and a powerful impetus for change, fueling her unwavering resolve to honor Sara’s memory by advocating for those still locked in their own nightmarish battles within the justice system.

The Echoes of Sara’s Voice:

Sara’s voice, a haunting reminder of the past, still whispers to Amy. It speaks of secrets too heavy for one soul to bear, of a young woman whose spectral presence lingers, seeking the apology she so desperately sought in life. “Until she gets an apology from the state of Texas, I cannot rest,” Amy asserts, her words a somber reflection of a bond that not even death could sever.

Sara Lowe’s story is a clarion call for scrutiny into the practices of for-profit prisons and the lives they irrevocably alter. It is a call for the state of Texas to acknowledge the wrongs inflicted upon Sara and her fellow inmates — a call for an apology that, while too late for Sara, may bring solace to the living and honor to the departed.

In the retelling of this story, we must not forget the lives trapped in a system that is broken, the souls haunted by injustices endured, and the urgent need for reform. Sara’s quest for an apology is not just her own — it is the cry of many, echoing through the halls of a system in dire need of change.


This article references firsthand accounts, legal documents, and personal testimonies. Specific details were provided by Amy Broadnax, who lived the nightmare alongside Sara Lowe. For a deeper understanding, visit the resources linked below:

  • [CBS News: Locked Inside a Nightmare](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/locked-inside-a-nightmare/)
  • [The Wackenhut Corporation and the Texas Youth Commission: A Case Study](https://www.slideshare.net/secret/case-study-wackenhut)
  • [For-Profit Prisons: A National Shame](https://www.rollingstone.com/features/national-shame/)

May Sara’s story be a beacon that guides us towards a future where justice prevails, and such nightmares are no more than a distant, fading memory.

Haunted Texas is for Sara, it’s for all of us who’ve been impacted by the atrocities of our system that have failed us over and over again. We vow to stand in the gap where everybody else falls short.

Invest in dreams and “Buy Me a Coffee.” Every sip is a step towards realizing a shared dream. It’s a vote of confidence in a vision that values history, celebrates progress, and champions the entrepreneurial spirit. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AmyBroadnax



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