Senator Amy Klobuchar Passed Over 100 Bills as Lead Democrat

Amy Klobuchar
12 min readJun 18, 2019


Secure Elections Act: Provides $380 million for states’ election security improvements and to replace outdated voting machines.

A bill to prohibit the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of children’s products that contain lead, and for other purposes: Bans lead in children’s products.

Abolish Human Trafficking Act: Strengthens and reauthorizes key programs that support survivors of human trafficking and provides resources to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials.

Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act: Requires prescription drug manufacturers to give early notification to the Food and Drug Administration of any incident that would likely result in a drug shortage.

Export Promotion Act: Helps small- and medium-sized businesses sell their products in international markets by establishing a single export promotion agency in the executive branch.

Support for Survivors Act: Requires the Department of Defense to develop a policy to ensure long-term preservation of sexual assault victims’ records, which can help veterans seek medical and disability assistance.

I-35 Bridge Replacement Funding bill: Authorizes $250 million to rebuild the collapsed I-35 bridge in Minnesota leading to rebuilding the bridge within 13 months of the it’s collapse.

Helping Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits Act: Creates a Center of Excellence in the Department of Veterans Affairs focused on researching the health effects associated with burn pits and treating veterans who become sick after exposure.

Animal Disease and Disaster Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2018: Permanently authorizes and provides $300 million over ten years for an animal disease and disaster response program and a foot and mouth disease vaccine bank to address risks to animal health, livestock export and market stability.

Travel Promotion, Enhancement, and Modernization Act: Reauthorizes Brand USA, a public-private partnership that promotes international travel to the United States, through 2020.

Streamlining and Investing in Broadband Infrastructure Act: Cuts red tape for companies, states, and local governments that install broadband infrastructure on federal land and promotes simultaneous installation of underground conduits for federal transportation projects.

Anna Westin Act: Increases training and education on eating disorders and ensures parity for insurance coverage of residential treatment for eating disorders.

Aviation Safety Enhancement Act of 2009: Strengthens airline safety rules and brings an end to the cozy relationship that has developed between airlines and some federal regulators.

Justice Served Act: Provides funds to prosecute the rape kit backlog and get justice for victims by resolving cold cases and exonerating the wrongly convicted.

Sexual Harassment legislation: Changes the way harassment claims are handled in Congress by eliminating the required 30-day “counseling” period, mediation phase, and “cooling off” period; and allows victims to immediately pursue hearing or civil action, and holds Members personally liable by requiring them to reimburse the Treasury.

Rural Spectrum Accessibility Act: Provides incentives for wireless carriers to lease unused spectrum to rural or smaller carriers.

Helping Our Homeless Veterans Act: Improves homeless services outreach to rural and underserved urban veterans by strengthening an existing program that provides chronically homeless veterans with housing vouchers and case management services.

Air Travel Ticketing Transparency and Protection Act: Requires large ticket agents to adopt minimum customer service standards for the purchase of air fares.

Empowering State Forestry to Improve Forest Health Act: Encourages cross boundary management of forests to protect water resources, enhance wildlife habitat, restore forest health, and strengthen local economies.

Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act: Establishes basic quality standards for providers that transmit calls so businesses, first responders, and consumers can count on calls being completed.

Improving Access to Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Act: Expands access to care by allowing physician assistants and nurses to supervise cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs.

STOP School Violence Act: Provides over $1 billion over ten years to fund school security improvements and invests in early intervention and prevention.

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Act of 2007: Establishes a national combat veteran reintegration program to assist veterans throughout all phases of their deployment cycle.

Burn Pits Accountability Act: Provides screening for health issues caused by exposure to toxic chemicals from burn pits during routine health exams for servicemembers.

STOP Act: Helps stop dangerous synthetic drugs from being shipped through our borders to drug traffickers here in the United States.

Fairness for Homeowners Act: Protects homeowners by prohibiting a creditor or mortgage broker from arranging a consumer credit transaction without verifying the consumer’s reasonable ability to make the scheduled payments.

Agriculture Equipment and Machinery Depreciation Act: Amends the tax code to set five-year depreciation schedule for certain agricultural equipment.

Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act: Provides consumers with more safe and responsible ways to dispose of unused prescription medications and controlled substances.

Combatting Foreign Influence Act: Combats foreign election interference campaigns by establishing a new Malign Foreign Influence Response Center.

Veterans to Paramedics Transition Act: Makes it easier for veterans to secure jobs as paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and nurses and helps reduce the shortage of much-needed emergency medical personnel in rural communities across the country.

Accuracy for Adoptees Act: Cuts red tape for adoptive families and ensures that corrections made to adoptees’ birth certificates by state courts would be recognized by the federal government.

Career and Technical Education Research and Outreach Act: Promotes research into best ways to promote career and technical education.

A bill to ensure funding for the National Human Trafficking Hotline: Strengthens the National Human Trafficking Hotline by ensuring it’s backed by the full force of law.

Innovate America Act: Improves students’ access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education by allowing school districts to award funding to create a STEM-focused specialty school or enhance an existing STEM program within a school.

Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Act: Reauthorizes a program that encourages physicians to practice in rural or medically underserved communities.

Stop Trafficking on Planes (STOP) Act: Requires airlines to train flight attendants and pilots to understand the common indicators of human trafficking and the best practices for reporting suspected human trafficking to law enforcement.

National Guard and Reserve Access to Counsel Act: Ensures survivors of sexual assault receive support services if there is any connection between the crime and their service and requires the relevant service secretary to provide Special Victims Counsel to the member regardless of when the assault occurred.

Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act: Eliminates the sunset provision regarding the adoption tax credit.

Kevin and Avonte’s Law: Helps locate missing people with Alzheimer’s, autism, and related conditions by allowing the use of grants for locative tracking technology, local education and training.

Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act: Creates an education and outreach campaign administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to highlight the breast cancer risks facing young women and empower young women with the tools they need to fight this disease.

Family Farmer Relief Act: Helps farmers keep their farms during bankruptcy so they can repay their debts and reorganize their businesses.

Faster Care for Veterans Act: Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to initiate a pilot program under which veterans can use the internet to schedule and confirm appointments for health care at VA medical facilities.

HHEATT Act: Helps prevent shortages and interruptions in the availability of propane and home heating fuels.

Farm-to-Fuel Investment Act: Encourages farmers to use renewable energy systems, including wind energy systems and anaerobic digesters, by providing $115 million over five years for low-interest loans, loan guarantees, and grants.

SALTS Act: Makes it easier to prosecute the sale and distribution of dangerous “analogue” drugs.

Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Amendments: Expands the forms of muscular dystrophy included in the muscular dystrophy program of the National Institutes of Health and requires the research conducted through Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Cooperative Research Centers to include cardiac and pulmonary function research.

Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Act: Establishes national health standards for formaldehyde emissions to protect consumers from potentially hazardous levels of formaldehyde in composite wood products.

Small Airplane Revitalization Act: Advances the safety and continued development of small airplanes by reorganizing the certification requirements to streamline the approval of safety advancements.

Kari’s Law Act: Requires multi-line systems to allow callers to reach 911 without dialing a prefix or postfix and makes it easier to locate 911 callers in big buildings.

International Adoption Simplification Act: Helps siblings stay together during an international adoption and protect adoptees from unsafe immunizations in foreign countries.

Combating Designer Drugs Act: Bans the substance known as 2C-E, a synthetic hallucinogen, and eight other similar substances.

Federal Courts Jurisdiction and Venue Clarification Act: Changes federal venue provisions to simplify jurisdictional rules in federal courts.

St. Croix River Crossing Project Authorization Act: Streamlines the process for authorizing a new bridge crossing the St. Croix River south of Stillwater, MN.

Court-Appointed Guardian Accountability and Senior Protection Act: Protects seniors from neglect and financial exploitation by strengthening oversight and accountability for guardians and conservators.

Prairie Protection Act of 2013: Modifies the crop insurance program to reduce the incentive to grow crops for the first time on native prairie, encouraging conservation of grasslands that wildlife use as habitat.

Improving Access to Farm Conservation Act of 2017: Makes it easier for small farmers to participate in programs that improve conservation practices on their farms.

TEST Act: Holds clinical labs accountable when they violate Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proficiency testing requirements.

Administrative Absence National Guard bill: Requires that all members of the Reserves under a specified Department of Defense instruction be grandfathered in to any changes to administrative absence days or other authorized benefits.

Stalkers Act: Empowers law enforcement to prosecute any act of stalking that would “reasonably be expected” to cause a person substantial emotional distress.

Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act: Designates a human trafficking prevention coordinator at Department of Transportation and increases outreach and education.

Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011: Protects children against sex trafficking by strengthening the penalties for crimes relating to child pornography and child sexual exploitation offenses.

Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act: Helps states, law enforcement, private insurers and patients identify potentially illicit treatment centers.

American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017: Prioritizes Community Oriented Policing Services applications of state and local law enforcement that use funding to hire military veterans.

Post-9/11 Veterans’ Job Training Act: Assists veterans planning to pursue higher education through permitting veterans to use their benefits for vocational and on-the-job training, paying for in-state college tuition, and providing active duty troops assistance in purchasing books for classes.

Biodiesel Education and Expansion Act: Encourages homeowners, builders, and consumers to conserve energy and reduce vehicle emissions by providing tax credits for the use of fuel efficient vehicles, renewable fuels, and energy efficiency in homes, commercial buildings, and appliances.

A bill to direct the Secretary of Defense to provide certain TRICARE beneficiaries with the opportunity to retain access to TRICARE Prime: Allows veterans who would lose their benefits the opportunity to remain on TRICARE Prime if they choose.

Supporting Children of the National Guard and Reserve Act: Improves services for National Guard and Reserve families by ensuring their children are identified in school records.

A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to incorporate regional transportation planning organizations into statewide transportation planning, and for other purposes: Incorporates regional transportation planning organizations in statewide transportation planning and strengthens the role of elected officials in the organizations.

American Innovation Act of 2010: Encourages higher education institutions to implement programs and strategies focused on research and development.

Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act: Allows covered sports medicine professionals to engage in the treatment of injured athletes across state lines.

EARLY Act Reauthorization: Extends the EARLY Act, which created an education and outreach campaign administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to highlight the breast cancer risks facing young women and empower young women with the tools they need to fight this disease.

Improving Driver Safety Act: Helps more states access critical federal funding for enforcement and public education to curb distracted driving

Healthy Living Starts Early Act: Supports healthy meals for children by providing health education for child care providers and implementing nutrition standards for meals served in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

To require an Inspector General investigation of allegations of retaliatory personnel actions taken in response to making protected communications regarding sexual assault: Requires the Inspectors General of military departments to investigate any allegations of retaliatory personnel decisions that were taken in response to a member of the Armed Forces reporting sexual assault, rape, or sexual misconduct.

Appeal Time Clarification Act: Clarifies the time limits for appealing civil lawsuits against the federal government and federal government officials.

No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act: Disqualifies people from operating commercial motor vehicles for life if they used vehicle to commit a human trafficking felony.

Cross-Border Trade Enhancement Act: Expands the authority of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the General Services Administration to enter into innovative partnerships with local governments and private sector entities to strengthen border security and make infrastructure improvements at U.S. ports of entry.

Next Generation 9–1–1 Preservation Act of 2010: Establishes the 9–1–1 Implementation Coordination Office and extends matching grants to state and local governments to implement Next Generation 9–1–1.

SAFER Act of 2017: Helps reduce the national rape kit backlog.

No-Hassle Flying Act: Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to determine whether checked baggage on a flight at an airport outside of the United State must be re-screened in the United States for explosives.

INSPIRE Women Act: Encourages young women and men to study STEM and pursue careers in aerospace through NASA.

Reliable Home Heating Act: Provides for more accurate monitoring and reporting of national propane stocks, reinforcing an existing law that provides for emergency action in the event of dangerous heating fuel shortages.

Upper Mississippi Conservation and River Protection Act: Directs the Army Corps’ Chief of Engineers to study the feasibility of temporarily closing the lock at the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam to manage the threat of Asian carp and encourages federal agencies to partner with state and local shareholders in researching Asian carp control technologies.

Steve Gleason Act: Permanently fixes the Medicare rule that limited access to speech generating devices for patients living with speech and communication disabilities resulting from conditions such as ALS, stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, Rett Syndrome, and others.

Capital for Farmers and Ranchers Act: Increases the maximum loan limit for the Department of Agriculture farm ownership and operating loans.

End Sex Trafficking Act of 2013: Works to eliminate human trafficking rings by targeting the criminals who purchase sexual acts from these organizations and ensuring that they are prosecuted as human traffickers.

A bill to modify the efficiency standards for grid-enabled water heaters: Provides additional energy conservation standards for grid-enabled water heaters.

Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act: Promotes precision agriculture and targeted broadband deployment to the nation’s farms and ranches.

HELP Schools Act: Strengthens nutrition in school lunches by requiring local educational agencies to create goals for nutrition and physical education and plans for implementing and measuring wellness policies, and mandates that reimbursable school meals meet nutritional guidelines.

Conservation Program Improvement Act: Increases acreage in the Conservation Reserve Program and further encourages land transitions to beginning farmers.

Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act: Increases the resources and tools available for combating human trafficking in the United States and established the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

North Country National Scenic Trail Adjustment Act: Revises the route of the North Country National Scenic Trail in northeastern Minnesota and extends the trail into Vermont to connect with the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.

Driver Privacy Act: Protects a driver’s personal privacy by making explicit that the owner of a vehicle also owns the information collected by the vehicle’s Event Data Recorder.

Military Sexual Assault Prevention Act: Requires that charges of rape, sexual assault, forcible sodomy, or attempts to commit these offenses be disposed of by court-martial rather than by non-judicial punishment or administrative action.

Representation for Farmers Act: Allows the United States Department of Agriculture to appoint three board members to the Science Advisory Board to represent the interests of farmers.

Money Remittances Improvement Act of 2014: Simplifies and streamlines the oversight of non-bank financial institutions that provide remittances around the world.

Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act: Authorizes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to partner with other federal agencies, states, and tribes to develop and execute proposals for the restoration of fish and wildlife resources in the Great Lakes Basin.

Patient-Focused Impact Assessment Act: Requires the Food and Drug Administration to publish patient experience data after approving an application for a new medication.

Kingpin Designation Improvement Act: Strengthens the ability of law enforcement to freeze the assets of international drug cartels.

A bill to require the Secretary of Transportation to establish accelerated licensing procedures to assist veterans to acquire commercial driver’s licenses, and for other purposes: Cuts red tape and clarifies licensing procedures to assist veterans in obtaining commercial driver’s licenses.

A bill to temporarily delay application of proposed changes to Medicaid payment rules for case management and targeted case management services: Preserves Medicaid targeted case management that benefits children in foster care, kids and adults, battling mental illness, and seniors and disabled people receiving institutional care.

Derivatives End-Users Clarification Act: Clarifies requirements for transactions involving swaps with centralized treasury units of non-financial end-users.

American Prairie Conservation Act: Strengthens and expands the sodsaver program from six midwestern states to protect native prairie nationwide.

Medicare Cost Contract Extension Act: Extends the authorization for cost contract plans in the Medicare program.

Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act: Authorizes National Science Foundation to recruit and support women to work beyond labs into the commercial world.



Amy Klobuchar

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