Into the 5th Dimension

Ana Ma Suneva
1 min readJun 13, 2014


We have chosen to be here at this time, in service to the divine plan for Mother Earth.

I shine my light openly for all to see and feel I am the 5th dimensional frequency of Unconditional Love emanating pure Golden Christ Consciousness

I remain constant in my Heart Chakra frequency, transmitting higher dimensional frequencies and interplanetary light codes in every moment possible in order to seed my star codes and higher dimensional frequencies into my planet’s vibration.

I weave my magic into the Earth plane through Lightness, Joy, Play and Creativity. I raise vibration and I am healed with laughter and fun and child~like innocence.

I am here with purpose and I accept my purpose and follow my chosen path with joy and gratitude, as I dance the dance I have come here to dance.



Ana Ma Suneva

I Am✨🌻🌙💛Child of the Mother🌍Mother of the Sun☀Living Beauty Way🌺Altar of Intention🙏Divine Insphiration🌀Honoring the Goddess🌹Presence Parenting😍