WeUNight feat La French Tech Viet

Anaïs Victor
4 min readApr 4, 2018


START Coworking Campus & French Tech Viet Partnership

Last Friday 30th of March, we had the chance, as the French Tech Viet (aka FTV) to co-host the first event of the year, thanks to Martial Ganiere, owner of the Start Coworking Campus, who welcomed and supported us to co-organise this great party.

It was the opportunity to introduce our new French Tech Viet Coordinator based in Saïgon : Clara Brachet, who is in charge of the animation, the engagement, and the development of the FTV community.

A great time to have a quick refresh about the French Tech Viet core purpose and the next challenges that we aim to achieve among the community.

Back to the French Tech Viet History

La French Tech Viet has been launched officially among the community in July 2014 during Fleur Pellerin venue in Saïgon, thanks to the efforts of our first founding members.

French Consulate Cocktail on 20th July 2014

As a self-organised community, 2 years later our dedicated and volunteers members from the community took the lead to submit a strong and confident candidature to certify the Vietnam as a French Tech Hub.

And it worked!

Vietnam was officially certified as a French tech Hub, on 13th October 2016.

So, What is La French Tech Viet?

Actually, it’s not really about “what is it?”, it’s more about “WHO WE ARE?”

We are a community of french entrepreneurs passionate, interested, and curious about technology for personal, or business reasons.

We are a community willing to connect & to share about our expertise, our knowledge, and our experiences. We also aim to build successful bridges with other french & international Tech communities.

As our digital world is moving fast, as the FTV community, we want to be aware about what’s coming next, what are the latest innovations.

It’s why the FTV is keeping an eye on next tech challenges for you.

Speaker Panel & Entrepreneurship Adventure

Our objective during this event was to gather 3 french speakers, from different industries, with singular experiences as entrepreneurs in Vietnam.

Our Panelists from left to right : Aymeric, Jonathan & Loïc

Introduction to our Speakers

Speaker Panel

It’s been a real challenge but also an amazing experience for me to be in charge of the speaker panel animation, and to lead a dynamic, unpredictable and such fascinating discussion among the panelists.

Anaïs Victor, Panel Animator

All the topics explored were selected conscientiously to discuss widely about the main topics any “startuper” will have to face in this journey:

  • Introduction : Start-up Pitch (2' per speaker)
  • Entrepreneurship Mindset : How much being in Vietnam had an impact on your entrepreneurship journey?
  • Problem Solved : Is the Vietnam favourable to discover new market opportunities? Are you solving a “local” problem?
  • Team : Could you describe the main advantages about Vietnam to build a successful start-up team? What about the main difficulties?
  • Product : Would you recommend any entrepreneur to start in Vietnam? (According to the Tech Talent Pool existing here)
  • Fundings : Any pros and cons in terms of fundings, being based in Vietnam?
  • [Bonus] Fail-con : Do you have any past experience (previous startup) you would like to share in terms of lessons learnt?

Thanks to all our speakers who have been sharing very openly their entrepreneurship journey with a lot of honesty and concrete examples. #goosebumps #inspiring

Our audience, has been immersed in a deep listening which is a great achievement for us and very challenging for the next FTV events coming soon, on a recurrent basis.

Let’s go to party

Following this inspiring and engaging panel discussion, our speakers and the audience have been welcomed to enjoy a very special networking.

Martial designed specially for us a cocktail list, french touch tagged with a hashtag (#liberté, #égalité, #fraternité). Thanks to Wisepass as a sponsor to provide us the ingredients for those drinks.

Thanks to LeFlair and Market Oi, as official sponsors for this event who provided vouchers for the lucky draw. We had 3 winners during the party of a package including 500k VND @LeFlair + 3*30k VND @Market Oi.

Keep Calm, we are coming soon with another high-level and amazing event next month!

