1 min readJun 22, 2017


Are you, me? I’m living in SF and in process of selling all my possessions to travel the world. I started my online business in August. I’m first going to Estonia. I went to Australia for 3 months this year and had the same experience with hostels and partiers. Crazy. You’re just 3 years ahead of me! I probably saved a dozen bookmarks reading you article. If you read this, reach out to me: Daniel Vroman Rusteen. My IG is @DannyBooBoo0 ←- last ‘0’ is a zero, others are the letter




Airbnb employee #700. Airbnb Superhost. Best In The World At Airbnb. Author of the best-selling book for Airbnb hosts. Blogger at www.OptimizeMyBnb.com.