2 min readAug 21, 2017


Remember the scene in Jerry Maguire where Cuba Gooding Jr makes Tom Cruise holler out — Show Me The Money, making him repeat this till it comes out from every fibre of his being. If you haven’t seen, YouTube it Now.

Cause maybe that’s what a lot of us need to do, from the depths of our soul, with all our heart, address the Universe and holler — SHOW ME THE MONEY!

Cause most of us are reticent and uncomfortable to ask for money, to demand wealth and the kind of lifestyle that we dream of. It’s our conditioning — it’s been drilled into our heads that greed is bad, seeking money is evil and so on and so forth. Sure greed isn’t great but neither is shying away from wanting to have abundance and not demanding the wealth we deserve.

Money is also an energy, one that we must respect and build a comfortable, loving equation with. We don’t have to go nuts about it, but it’s perfectly fine to desire it, chase it, ask for it. Just the way we would chase after love or success or anything else in life.

Let’s come up with a figure, a big figure, no holding back, the figure that we’d like our bank balance to be at, by the end of this year. And then let’s whole-heartedly ask for it, believe that we will get it and work towards that.

We deserve the best in life. And that includes the big bucks.

