The riddle of marketing in Russia (Bork)

Anastasiia Aparina
2 min readDec 27, 2017


In the early 2000s, the big Russian home products retailer “TechnoSila” introduced a successful home appliance brand called “Bork” and registered the brand in Germany, which allowed the company the legal right to market it as a “German product.” Similarly, a Russian shoe company took an Italian name “Carlo Pazolini” and registered the brand in Italy.

And you knew that initially the brand should have been called “BORG”, the reduction from Birulin ORGanizing, but if you read the opposite “GROB” — (rus. Гроб — Coffin).

Start a foreign branding was initiated after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when people bought in the markets of everything that had even the slightest hint of Western origin. After the 1998 crisis, the fashion for “Western” asleep — and so the country was hard, so back to basics, to the goods with Russian names. Since the beginning of the new millennium has again gone up. First, because the business has changed and began to produce goods at a higher price category, and secondly, the brands people still like the “foreign”, even if people know what is really here this is a German consumer electronics in Asia commissioned by Russian businessman, but in this case only the English letters on the box.

Bork. Iron rule of the best interiors.

BORK products are recognized as being of a high quality both in reliability and innovation by experts in the whole world. At present, exclusive models have won 51 international awards in industrial design; such as the RedDot Design Award, iF Design Award, and others.

