The moments where we hated the characters in TVD & The Originals

Anbu Mozhi S
5 min readApr 6, 2022


If you love spooky stuffs like vampires, werewolves & supernatural then You may come across the TV series The Vampire Diaries & it’s spin-offs. If not then ready for some spoilers….

In this article, let’s the see the hateful moments for our favorite characters. Let’s Hop Into It…

  1. You Let Her Die…. Elijah

We all love Elijah, of course the favorite originals for “Damon Salvatore” and for most of us also. He always looks stunning with the suits & that neatly combed hair. Though Elijah referred as “MAN OF HONOUR” & “MAN OF WORD”, Sometimes his decisions made the audience irritating, Like when he killed Marcel just for his family.

Most of you know, Which scene was that… The Little wolf Hayley’s Death.
On that particular episode Season 5 X 06, Each spectators excited to happy cause most of us thought Elijah will rescue Hailey… But instead he simply watch her die in the Sun… I’m damn sure, Most of us hated Elijah on that day…

2. Watch Your Back…. Stefan Salvatore

Oh… Wait… How is that even possible… Stefan Salvatore in this list…
He is one of the good persons in that show. Even he saved the Mystic Falls in the season finale that absolutely made most of us cry that we can’t deny. He even stopped drinking human blood, fought for his brother, risked his life for Elena & Saltzman’s twins. Let’s see where we hated him much.

That’s right buddy!… When he tore Enzo’s heart in-front of Bonnie. Of course
Stefan Salvatore was not himself on Season 8 but that scene hurts our heart. Enzo is one of the well developed character in that show. Initially, He portrayed as Anti-Hero then with Bonnie’s love he turned to good. Everyone like Enzo’s style in that show, Sometimes he resembles Elijah Mikaelson, When I say sometimes, it’s one or two times Hahaha… cause no one can match Elijah’s swag.

3. Vampire Hunter Again… Rebekha…

The girl who loves to have family, envy’s every humans life, the seductress & the blonde… Yep, It’s Rebekha Mikaelson… Of course you find that from the caption itself… Why this stupid intro for her then. At start everyone fell in love with that girl based on her attitude, love for family but that won’t lost longer. I know there are many scenes where we hated her but now we are look into one iconic scene that put a lead for one more season in Originals.

Rebekha loved his brother Nick much, then why did she pulled that trigger? Why?…. When Rebekha fell in love with Marcel, Nick didn’t let them live happier cause Marcel is a son to him. So Rebekha tried everything to live with Marcel but those are nutshells except one that where hated her. She finally summoned his father, the nightmare of Nick. Why girl? It seems like she just ran to her father to complain about her brother… Sounds funny…
May be you don’t agree, But this is where Rebekha hated by viewers much though she is such a hottie.

4.”Why” The Final Words… Damon Salvatore

I can hear many of say “Even though Damon Salvatore is an Anti Hero initially, We loved his character”. Ian’s acting is impeccable in that show. We can’t deny that no one can do the character “Damon” better than Ian Somerhalder. So where we actually hate him, cause he looses his mind many time in that show. He killed Taylor… Whoooo… but at that time Taylor was never been in that show, He moved to New Orleans for a while, So we didn’t get the connect with him properly. So what else…

Even without knowing the back story of one blonde, We just love the friendship between that blonde & Stefan Salvatore. Yes… It’s Lexi. In that 1st season, Damon put a dagger in her heart without a single
hesitation. Whenever the flashback scenes arrives between Stefan Salvatore & Lexi, It put the audience with the heavy heart. Likewise, The finale ending scene [Final Shot] is tremendous when He says “Hello Brother”.

5.The Big Bad Wolf… Klaus Mikaelson

Hero of the show. We all know Klaus’s confidence is driven from his immortality. We can spot most of the scenes he’s saying about his immortality. He is the 1st hybrid, That makes audience fell for him & his characterization too. He resembles the character of Damon Salvatore from my POV. His British accent… that’s brilliant. His love for Hope Mikaelson, When he cries & Kneel down for Hayley, Likewise we can say many of the scenes that made us fell for his character. Still we hated him at some point but mostly it’s not from
the show Originals but from TVD.

I think everyone knows which scene is that. Yep… The ritual scene to make others us hybrid carbon copies. Jenna is one of the good characters in TVD. She is like a mother to Elena Gilbert. She takes such responsibility
in a very young age. But in the end, Klaus killed her. One of the tragic scene from that show. Even Elijah can’t able to save her.

So what you guys are thinking, Do you feel the same as me. If so share this blog to one of TVD fans. Have A Nice Day!

~Anbu Mozhi S

