Web3Camp 3P Token Exploit Analysis w/ OpenZepplin’s Arbitrary Address Spoofing Attack

Ancilia, Inc.
3 min readDec 8, 2023

Dec 7, 2023, J Liu

Attackers and Victims






Web3Camp: Deployer trusted account



Hack TX, transferred a big volume 3p tokens from address 0xb4e8


Web3camp 3P token was hacked. One of the protocol owner’s accounts(0xb4e8), who held 8,500,000,000,000 (1e18) tokens from the beginning, now has about 1000 (x1e18) tokens left. Hacker has transferred ​​ 0x5467373a6afc661b2e758d87b1 which is 6,687,000,000,000(1e18) Hacker now just needs to find swaps to cash it out.

Root Cause

There is an issue with OpenZepplin’s ERC2771Context and MulticallUpgradeable when they are used together. An ABI decoding issue bypassed the forwarder’s signature check and caused a privileges escalation issue. Attackers could do anything under a trusted forwarder’s context. E.G., mint, and transfer tokens.

In contract MinimalForwarder, caller’s address and data will be concatenated together through abi.encodePacked():

For example, if req.data is “a9059cbb000000000000000000000000000000000000c35e4364deffa9059dbadaefd4f8000000000000000000000000000000000000005467373a6afc661b2e758d87b1b4e8cb86324a9640af81b48f708f933cb7d12ac3”

and req.from is “0db0f7dee9c985de5336cf166c2b0261cf934fae”, then it could concatenate to


Please noted:

  • The green data “00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000058” represent the “bytes” data structure(offset + length)
  • The red 0 is because of the 32 bytes padding.

And when it passes to an arbitrary function selector which is supplied by the attacker, it will pass in the whole data just like that.

The problem is the muticall() function. It decodes the data by following the ‘bytes’ abi data structure which still thinks the pass in data is the original req.data:


The concatenated address will be discarded when it passes to function _functionDelegateCall(). But in contract ERC2771ContextUpgradeable, there is modifier to get the _msgSender():

So contract ERC2771ContextUpgradeable assumes the pass-in data has the original msg.sender from the forwarder who did the signature check, but it actually was discarded in multicall() because of the abi decoding. Now contract ERC2771ContextUpgradeable took the last 20 bytes of input data which is from the hacker, as the msg.sender and it could be any arbitrary number.


  • Openzepplin issued an announcement here:




Ancilia, Inc.

Ancilia provide cybersecurity solution to Web3 ecosystem.