Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAlexithymia: How Emotional Blindness Can Affect Every Aspect of Your LifeHow alexithymia feels and manifests, and what can be done about it.Dec 3, 202418Dec 3, 202418
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeI Am Autistic, and I Want A “Cure”In my personal experience, autism is a very painful condition that I would gladly have treated.Nov 22, 202431Nov 22, 202431
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAutistic People Are Dying From Suicide. Does Anyone Care?September is suicide prevention month. How can the suicide of autistic people be prevented?Sep 8, 202411Sep 8, 202411
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeSociety’s Taboo With Silence Is Destroying My Autistic BrainNeurotypical society has a real phobia of silence, and autistic people pay a price for it.Sep 5, 202415Sep 5, 202415
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeWhere is Race in Discussions About Autism?Gender is being addressed in relation to autism, but what about race?Sep 1, 20244Sep 1, 20244
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAm I a Person or Am I Just a Brain? On The Importance of Nuance in NeurodiversityGoing beyond the medical “deficit model” to reinstate autistic people as multidimensional subjects.Aug 25, 20246Aug 25, 20246
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeRecovering From Autistic Burnout: You Can’t Do It AloneWhy I have taken the step of signing up for a structured burnout recovery program — giving myself the opportunity to get help.Aug 23, 20241Aug 23, 20241
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeNeurotypical Spectrum DisorderDiagnostic criteria:Aug 18, 202435Aug 18, 202435
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeParents of Autistic Kids: We Really Want You To Know ThisA message from an autistic person to parents of autistic children.Aug 18, 202414Aug 18, 202414
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAs An Autistic Person, I Meet People Who Don’t Believe In My ExistenceI went to see a physiotherapist, and I spent the entire session debating the legitmacy of my own existence.Aug 17, 202441Aug 17, 202441