Christmas notes

Andreea Oprisor
4 min readDec 24, 2017


Here’s an unfading reminder that should never get out of your spiritual bag. Love is a drug with no side effects … unless you have adopted a corrupted perception about it. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. Maybe you give more credit to Friedrich Nietzsche who eloquently stated that “we love LIFE not because we are used to living but because we are used to LOVING”. Have you seized the depth of these words? If not, go back and read them again until you get impregnated with the essence of this highly impacting message. If you can commit to making a daily reminder or even an inspiring mantra out of it, then go for it fully.

I find it is quite helpful to point this message out myself because I consider it to be vitally important for us as a collective bunch of souls living on this planet to take it into account.

Sometimes it may be tough to believe such statements. Indeed, there are moments in life when enthusiasm is low and that drive to live is even absent. I am not saying the opposite. I am not stating that everything is effortlessly blissful out there but by taking a cold shower of awareness, we might realize that NOTHING IS MEANT TO LAST FOREVER. Neither joy, nor sadness. We’re endlessly riding on an oscillatory life path.

That’s the raw and real me today. No fireworks, no fancy show. Just ME … bathing into a deep lake of melancholy. I look like I’m surfing on an overwhelming wave of positive vibration and at the same time, I feel an urge to express my internal turmoil as well. I am not used to get too personal on the web and I do not even intend to do it somewhere in the future. But what I do want to highlight here is that IT IS OK TO BE SAD. It can occur to everyone … anywhere … at all times. It is not something to be judged as negative. Sadness simply is, just as well as happiness is.

Don’t put a fake smile on your face if you don’t genuinely feel it. Don’t do it just because … (ready for a traditionally reasonable but yet foolish urge to wear a fake mask?) it’s Christmas. I’m learning to embrace more of what I’ve unsuccessfully tried to reject for years under a bunch of distractions, harmful relationships and living drama on purpose. I am allowing everything that has (un)deliberately been forbidden to surface. No barriers involved. No self judgment. Not even the question if that makes sense or not is a guest to the party. Today I’m inviting you to join me on this exploration.

Are you brave enough to give it a try? Are you ready to take a deep look to what you’ve been hiding from yourself for ages? Take a picture of yourself, just as I did down below and look into your eyes to find the missing piece that’s making shadow over your inner joy. Give it a shot!

It’s a good time to drop the masks and have a sincere conversation with yourself.

“Nothing is like it seems, but everything is exactly as it is” ~ Lawrence Peter Berra

No matter what haunts you emotionally, just LET IT FLOW even though it can be painful sometimes. I like to call it “emotional purging”. Heck, I can’t even count on the fingers of my both hands how many times I’ve gone through this experience over the course of my current existence.

Unpleasant emotions are not going away until they are done with their ultimate job of a life lesson delivery. Fighting against a feeling that we have and judge to be inappropriate for us to experience, is a step back on our ongoing healing journey. Remember, an e-motion is energy in movement. It means that the emotion you’re feeling is a transitory sensation you need to face in order to get rid of it later on if that emotion leads to harmful occurrences or as long as a positive emotion is concerned, to amplify it and keep it at your fingetips whenever you desire to experience it once again.

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know”
(Pema Chödrön)

The last thing I want to leave you with on this random storm of thoughts is the following: You are not completely FREE until you have NO NEED to impress anybody. Skip the idea that you are somehow flawed and unlovable. Can you imagine how much energy are you wasting into forcing yourself to be someone you are not? Relax, embrace the privilege to be in your own skin and start working your way up from there.

And remember, whatever emotion is haunting you at the moment, it is ok to feel it. Accept it as it comes and escort it for release.

Have a day of December charged in authentic emotions and let this Christmas find you as you are!

