Ignite applications open in Wales & SW England.

Andrew Mulvenna
2 min readAug 9, 2017


Office Hours on 15th August 2017

Tech start-up accelerator Ignite is visiting Bristol & Bath on 15th Aug to run office hours in the EngineShed. It’s a chance for companies to learn more about what Ignite offers, and receive advice on funding, hiring, scaling, or anything start-up related. Book here (if full, email wil@ignite.io and he’ll try to make space).

They have also opened applications to companies from Wales & the South West. Link to the application form is on their website.

The ask: Please forward details on to companies that may be interested.

What is Ignite??

Ignite provides cash investment, and a programme of support designed for start-ups with an MVP or v1 looking to find product/market fit. They have backed 100 start-ups, mostly outside London, 10 of which have raised Series A, 1 company (Moltin) went on to YC, and is now backed by Bessemer.

After 10 years running single location, cohort based programmes, that have a start/end date, Ignite 2.0 is a distributed programme with rolling monthly intake. The CEO, Tristan, wrote a nice piece on why the new model is better here.

Why do I support Ignite?

The SW has a strong engineering heritage, from Brunel to Dyson, and our Universities produce world class research, however the ecosystem to commercialise the region’s spin-outs & start-ups is lacking. Accelerators help fill this gap, so it is encouraging to see Ignite’s arrival, alongside several other programmes & facilities, such as Future Space, QTEC, UnitDX, Oracle, etc. I’m reassured to see these new organisations all collaborate with strong incumbents such as SETSquared, EngineShed, BRL, Watershed, etc.




Andrew Mulvenna

Tech investor & founder of @BrightpearlHQ. Based between Bristol, San Francisco & London. Surfer, Mountaineer, Scout.