(Guide) zkSync Lite & Era

Andre W
1 min readMay 18, 2023

Bridge Eth L1 to zkSync lite in http://wallet.zksync.io

Use NFT Storage to upload your image to get a CID code which will later be used to create the NFT in ZkSync using https://lite.zksync.io/transaction/nft/mint/

You can actively use ZkSync to donate to projects participating in Gitcoin Grants in https://www.gitcoin.co/

➖ You can add your transaction volume amount in zksync using https://trade.zigzag.exchange


Prepare ETH L1.
• Bridge to zkSync Era Mainnet

dApps on zkSync Era

➖ Swap ETH to USDC
➖ Add Liquidity ETH/USDC
➖ Swap ETH to Mute
➖ Lock Mute for DAO

➖ Swap ETH to USDC
➖ Add Liquidity ETH/USDC

➖ Swap ETH to USDC & VC
➖ Add Liquidity ETH/USDC & ETH/VC

➖ Swap ETH ke USDC
➖ Add Liquidity ETH/USDC

Create your domain in https://app.zkns.domains/

Swapping $1000 10X gives you a $10000 volume.

Soon trade NFTs on Omnisea.

