My lesson plan (Final Revision). Blog #6

Andy Bertelsen
2 min readNov 6, 2016


My topic that I plan on teaching for the whole class is on the topic of human interaction and their environment. There are similarities between my senior project and this question. I want to teach people that their environment has a lot to do with what they are feeling, thinking, and eventually acting. I want to bring to light the subtle truth about how big of an impact your immediate surroundings aka the built/natural environment plays on your life.

This topic has inspired me because I personally feel that self introspection has a lot to do with the atmosphere and environment in which one finds themselves. If you are happy, sad, confused, depressed, joyful, or any other human emotion, it is important to ask yourself why you feel this way. Instead of doing what we normally do and ask outside of ourselves for example like: Asking a friend group that isn’t emotionally there for you for advice, drinking or smoking to escape the feeling, watching television or engage in endless scrolling on your phone, trapping yourself in environments that do not allow change or new stimulation. The fact is, it is easy to loose track of where you are because in this crazy society that we live in right now, we are either conditioned or perceived as social beings that do not engage in self reflection, introspection or the time to allow for different and sometimes profound change in your mental shift from negative to positive.

When you question the way in which you feel, it is important to view the mind and the body as one. When people think about something that is usually causing them strife or conflict, it is usually the case that they are thinking not in a balanced or rational way. With the class I want to explore the fundamental conditions that we find ourselves in when we take away all the distractions, and all the Bull shrnarkle of society. How can one be the true master of their own destiny when there are so much things.. coming and going, back and forth, like an endless spinning top posing as positive and negative emotions. Where does one draw the line?

For my lesson plan, I would like everyone to go outside and find a peaceful place on campus or somewhere else that can accommodate 5 minutes of self-reflection. Start by asking yourself: What the F#$!4 is going on in the world?! then meditate for a little bit, then ask yourself how you feel, and come up with 1–2 things that maybe you wanna start thinking about and focusing on for the rest of they day. Poke at this question or feeling and see if you can get more information out of it and see if perhaps you can make something better out of the current situation.



Andy Bertelsen

Interested in ceramics, gardening, photography, and the practice of applied anthropology/evaluation