Shine On

Sharing learning extends your academic reach.

Andy Leiser
3 min readJan 18, 2018

What is the reach of learning in your classroom? Do your students have the opportunity to be a conduit of learning, or are they an end point? How can we ensure that the learning taking place in our classrooms, by students and teachers alike, continues to spread to reach and teach others beyond the walls of our school. Sharing extends our learning as it shines on others.

Authentic audiences seems to be a buzzword(s) in education — and rightfully so. For centuries, our learning was limited by access to information. The source of that information was usually bestowed by the teacher. Fill the bucket of your brain and regurgitate it on demand. That was the practice. Learners as consumers.

Even when the learner was asked to create a report, essay, or project, the audience is usually small and the reach, limited. Who reads that paper? The teacher. Maybe a classmate or two if they’re lucky. Have you ever had a student ask how many sentences does this need to be?

“If students are sharing their work with the world, they want it to be good. If they’re just sharing with you, they want it to be good enough.” -Rushton Hurley

Thankfully, connecting students with authentic audiences has never been easier. For many of our students, it has never been more natural. Creating and publishing content online instantly expands your audience. Social media is authentic. It is relevant. The network of people to whom you shine is amplified. How can we do this with our students? The proper use of social media must be modeled and taught by a capable leader, or it will be learnt from a less informed peer.

The last time I was in the same place as Rick was before moving across the country. His light is bright and shines through me on the students today.

One of my mentors, Benicia Unified’s own Rick Gomez, would often conclude a text or email with the phrase “shine on.” This salutation always resonated with me, and it got me thinking about our shared careers educating others. Even though we never taught at the same school, his positive influence and light was so bright that it illuminated my practice and improved my skills as a professional educator. I am thankful to remain connected with Rick to this day thanks to our tech tools — and I have totally stolen the phrase!

It is our professional obligation to lead our learners (young and old) to create and share their understanding with others. Learners who share what they know to illuminate others and help them grow are amplifying brilliance. They are a conduit of learning and it is how we move forward together. Growing and casting light further than ever before.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” - Plutarch (check the last paragraph here)

Where do teachers start? As professional educators, we must connect and share more publicly — and more often. Start forming your learning network on Twitter by following others who inspire and push you to be a better learner and leader. Think of Twitter like an unending, customizable newspaper that is populated with short bursts of light from others — stars? You can never see it all, but it can illuminate and spark a fire that you may have never considered or even knew existed. Common Sense Education can set you off on the right foot.

How do I recommend starting with students? At the elementary level, Seesaw safely fills those shoes with plenty of room to grow. Seesaw is a free service that empowers students to share what they know with their classmates, teacher, home, and (with adult approval) the world via blog and social media. Seesaw is an amplifier. It empowers our students and their ideas/learning to shining brightly for others to see and it promotes growth at the same time. Learn more.

How do you empower your students to share their learning with authentic audiences? What tools and resources have you discovered that allow your learners to extend their academic reach beyond the walls of the classroom? Why is this important?

Share your thoughts in the comments or connect and share with me on Twitter/Instagram.



Andy Leiser

I laugh. I learn. I teach. I play. A father, a husband, a teacher, and a tech enthusiast. Elementary Integration Specialist #ISD200