4 year journey and achievements in Taita Taveta University.

beth wangari
4 min readDec 1, 2017


Taita Taveta University students during their graduation on Thursday, November 23, 2017.

The end of a thing is better than its beginning…. Ecclesiates 7:8.The journey started on September 2013 and ended on 23rd November 2017 which was marked with a graduation ceremony .It was the first graduation ceremony Taita Taveta University (TTU) held.

Taita Taveta University.

The image above is a proof that the university has the perfect environment for students to learn.Every parent who brought his or her child to be admitted to the university was very happy because he or she was sure that the child will 100% concentrate on the classwork and leave the campus with the best degree.Yes in deed that was very true and am glad we as students knew that.

I loved the perfect environment during my first year but as the years progressed I realized that I needed more than what I learn in class to be able to be a global student.With that in mind I started to look for opportunities that would help in supplementing my degree.

23rd Nov 2017 marked the day I received my degree.This is something that I am grateful of.A part from the degree ,TTU is a place that has helped me to achieve so many things.Today I share some of my achievements as well as lessons I have learn t in the process.

My first achievement came in a few weeks after I was admitted to the University that was September 2013.I was elected by MICTEC club members which is a Mathematics and technology club in the university to be treasurer for one term.

My second achievement was in 2015 I was selected among top 50 technology student in Kenya to attend Women in Engineering (WomEng Kenya) fellowship 2015.

My third achievement was in early January 2016 and 2017 I was able to organize and host Safaricom women in technology campus outreach.

My forth achievement was being accepted to Safaricom Women in Technology Academy on May 2016 and on August 2016 graduated from the program.Apart from that I was selected among top technology ladies in Kenya to participate in Africa code Hackthon 2016 in Egypt all sponsored by Microsoft and Africa Center for Women in ICT(ACWIT).

My final achievement before I graduate is being selected to volunteer as a mentee 2.0 at KamiLimu.

Here are some of the lesson that I have learn t and helped me in achieving my achievement before I graduated.

Lesson 1:

I spent days and nights trying to find out how I would be able to organize Safaricom Women in Technology(WIT) campus outreach to our university.Having no email address nor phone number to get in contact with the WIT program coordinators.I spent most time on the internet watching you tube videos that related to WIT and noted each name of everyone who appeared on the video so that I could check on LinkedIn and connect with them.Thanks to the internet I was able to organize the campus outreach.

Lesson 2:

For me to achieve my achievements I had to surround myself with people who would help me get to where I wanted to be.I had friends even from other universities who we shared the same vision. Bernice Kibet from Multimedia University travelled to Mexico for the Internet Society 2016 and Irene Ndung’u from Technical University of Mombasa attended Grace Hopper Conference (GHC 2016) in USA, this made me desire a similar experience that lead me to participate in Africa Code Hackthon.

Lesson 3:

I was this person who knew nothing would stop me from achieving all I wanted.I knew that I had people like my family and my real friends who supported me.With this in mind ,I went ahead and applied for WomEng Kenya fellowship which I was later accepted.

Lesson 4:

Melinda Gates quote inspired me to do more in school.To give back to the university and society.What I learn t from my friends and events I would come and share with my fellow students. I would share by organizing events for my fellow students to learn.

Lesson 5:

My four year journey has taught me how to pray.To commit all my plans and desire to my God.This most important thing that has helped me in achieving my achievement. Prayers made my days better while I was in campus.

I would like to thank Taita Taveta University BBIT class of 2017 for the great and hard times we shared as a class.I also thank Taita Taveta University class of 2017 and Taita Taveta University fraternity.A part from that I thank our lectures for the sacrifice they had to make ,HOD Mathematics and Informatics( Mr. Nicholus Muthama) and HOD Business Studies and Economics( Mr. Bella Chepkulei).



beth wangari

Christ follower|spirit of a gazelle|tech enthusiast|women want equal opportunity|networking