What do goats, cows, deers and sheep have in common?

Angela Kambouris
1 min readJan 23, 2017


What do cows, deer, goats and sheep have in common?

They regurgitate their partially digested food and chew it again.

What does this have to do with overthinking or over-analysing?

Overthinking, obsessing, brooding, wallowing, is officially termed rumination.

Ruminators chew on their thoughts over and over and over again.

Overthinking takes up time and energy that individuals could spend finding solutions.

Problem solving skills can be impaired, taking action can be compromised and pessimism may increase about the future.

Are you the hamster running frantically on a wheel, exhausting itself without actually going anywhere?

What if you hit the pause button on the overthinking and trust your gut rather than trying to think your way through the situation,

Trust that you already know the answer.

I dare you.




Angela Kambouris

I help people and organizations elevate their leadership | Leadership consultant & executive coach | content creator www.angelakambouris.com www.evoluccion.com