An Open Letter to the President and the Attorney General Regarding Wikileaks and Julian Assange

Angelia Fox
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Open Letter to the President of the United States of America, Donald J Trump and to the honorable Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

I would like to call to attention the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States that clearly states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

According to this amendment, the recent investigation into Wikileaks and it’s founder Julian Assange is a violation of this amendment. Wikileaks is a publisher and a media outlet and by investigating them to charge them under the Espionage Act is a violation of our citizens rights as individuals as the First Amendment clearly states we have a right to free press.

In light of this violation, I request that you immediately drop any charges or allegations against the organization and Mr. Assange or issue him a preemptive pardon as he has only brought to light the evil done against the Citizens of the United States. If we begin to prosecute our journalists and the press for publishing whistleblower documents, we are no longer a Republic governed by the people but are bordering on becoming tyrannical and becoming a Socialist state. Violating the First Amendment is only the beginning of an overthrow of the people’s government.

In fact, if you continue to violate this right for free press and continue your investigation into Wikileaks, you must also look into the prosecution of the New York Times, the Washington Post and various other media outlets who have openly published leaks from the government.

Please do what is right for the Citizens and the individuals involved in this case, and pardon Wikileaks and Julian Assange of any wrongdoing and cease and desist to seek charges.

Thank you

A Concerned American



Angelia Fox

#FreeAssange Journalist interested in truthful investigative journalism.