Authentic leadership focuses on inspiring and empowering others.
My readers know that I respond to their messages and inspire them to bring out their potential.
Every person has natural abilities that can be applied; it is not about oppressing, but about highlighting so that they understand that they must strengthen their abilities to differentiate themselves. It is not about dividing, but about grouping so that together we can all prosper.
It is a mutual benefit, without the thought that I have to work; rather, from the beautiful perspective that I am climbing the next rung and improving.
"True leadership is about creating an environment of collaboration and mutual growth."
Leadership is not about being a leader, but about knowing how to lead with leadership. Being empathetic is about fostering principles and values. A leader knows how to delegate tasks according to his or her level of experience and skills.
A leader trusts his or her experiences. A leader allows freedom of expression, using resources ethically. A leader inspires others to feel that they are important and that their contribution is appreciated. A leader takes care of those under his or her responsibility.
"We are all special, because words have the power to build or destroy."