Written by Angelo Palacios GW

Angelo Palacios Colorado 🕯️
3 min readDec 29, 2023


When we are learning to count numbers, we start with the number 1. It is the same order of thinking, only now you think about saying hello.

When we talk about thinking in English, it sounds very extreme, that is to say because people always think of words that are difficult to pronounce or write. They relate the beautiful English language with something outside the area of ​​our possibilities. When it is totally the opposite, English is a beautiful process to connect with people from other cultures, it is something incredible, a pleasant and rewarding experience. It is important and essential for anyone to learn another language. In my beautiful order of ideas, my preferred language is English, being able to communicate more effectively, greatly improving my language skills is indescribable.

Photo by Julien Mussard on Unsplash

Now I speak from personal experience, in this beautiful order of ideas. It is entirely possible to think in English and write, always following an order, for example, whether numerical, auditory, visual and associative. You had a bad experience with the beautiful learning method which is lame, and therefore you believe that you cannot learn.

Method R.R.A.R





Over over and over again

Práctice practice

And more practice

Make the perfect

Think about it
Photo by author
Let me introduce myself

My beautiful name is

Angelo Palacios GW

From Cali Colombia

I learning inglésh myself

Think about it

Learn to identify your strengths, let me explain: We all have skills and we are constantly polishing them like a diamond. What happens is that when another person tells us that we are very good at doing this, we simply respond normally. We do not give credit to what people honestly tell us.

Everything has a balance, there are people who are very fast at reading, and that way they exercise their memory. Others are excellent at writing, in the same way they exercise their memory. Some are very auditory, and that is how they exercise their memory. And then there are the people who tell us, calm down, don’t worry, show me the steps to follow, explain to me, because I learn quickly just by seeing it.

Think now you have the beautiful perspective of my precious point of view.

Enjoy your process

Who are this guy
Angelo Palacios GW
Follow his legacy
Leslie Calvin Brown
born February 17, 1945
is an American
politician and motivational speaker
He was a member of the
Ohio House of
from 1977 to 1981. [1]

I continue to touch lives around the world

Credit by LES BROWN
Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash



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Let me know and remember strong mind never give up

